
Someone who actually gets it. The issue isn't the number of available units, it's the size. We can't claim we built 5000 units of housing when 4900 of those units are barely big enough to house a single person.

As someone with a vested interest in Ukraine and its survival, Obama, Merkel, and Sarkozy sealed Ukraine's fate with much of their policy making and lack of response to MAJOR red lines being crossed. The invasion of Crimea, the invasion of Donetsk and Luhansk, the shooting down and subsequent celebration of the massacre that was MH17, the opening and subsequent bombardment of "green corridors" in Donetsk, the COUNTLESS war crimes in Syria... I could go on for a while, but the point is, they all enabled these actions because they were too afraid to push back. Russians have always understood strength, and the lack of strength shown by those three in particular led to the current situation because Russia viewed the rest of us as weak. So much bloodshed could have been avoided if the US put boots on the ground in Donbas at the very least. If they weren't Russian soldiers, why should Russia care about what happened to them? Anyone who wanted to would've been free to leave Ukraine and emigrate to Russia.


No, being obtuse does not make you Israeli. What a stupid question.

Can't even get a good schmear of cream cheese on those things anymore 😞

Kettlemans ain't what they used to be. Their bagels are too skinny now.

What does Palestine have to do with pride or the LGBTQ community? Why does Palestine need to be shoehorned into pride parades but not Ukraine, or Sudan, or Syria, or or or... It's a small group dictating the politics of the entire event. I'm not saying the parade shouldn't be political at all, I'm just curious on who gets to decide which political points are allowed to be discussed.


On the one hand, I think the city should get more money from the feds and the province in order to drastically expand systems like transit (and stop relying on rider fares more than just about any other transit system in North America), but on the other hand, we are renaming Dundas square and Torontonians have LITERALLY no say in the matter after being told it would involve decisions from the public, and the millions being pissed away on this is ridiculous.

The only good thing has been the uploading of the Gardiner costs to the province. That should've been done ages ago.

No, which is why I also said whataboutism

Anyways, Palestinians should stop throwing gay people off of apartment buildings for being gay

You argue like a typical Tumblr user lol, whataboutism and a lot of references to shit that happened generations ago

"here" gay people aren't thrown off of buildings or criminally charged for being gay

Toronto pride has been taken over by a group who try and foist every single social and political issue onto pride. It's ridiculous. They did the same thing during the BLM protests a few years back.

Oh! Well that's extremely unfortunate...

Auberge du Pommier, Chantecler, Pompette, Cote de Boeuf, and Dreyfus would probably be my top 5. No particular order.

Lithuania or Poland, release, or conquer and release Zaporozhie respectively. Slowly feed provinces to them while annexing them ASAP, annex, take loans, build whatever you need to build, release, play as the Cossack Horde. Fun as hell. Eventually you can form Ruthenia and take over most of Europe and Asia pretty easily. The Cossacks are a force to be reckoned with.


I struggled to find a part time summer job as far back as 2012, I can't imagine it's any better now with Trudeau bringing in boatloads of TFWs. Numbers have nearly quadrupled since he was elected as PM.

You have no idea what you're talking about. It's really quite funny. Keep crying.

Are you serious? There was a nauseating amount of outrage lol


You asked how Marxism has killed millions, I gave you an answer, you didn't like it, and proceeded to fire off a bunch of whataboutism.


Marxism has been used to justify the genocide of Ukrainians, Kazakhs, Crimeans, Uyghurs, and countless other races.

New Toronto

Oh trust me I know! When I was looking to buy, I specifically wanted a building that provided a 4 pipe hydronic system instead of 2 pipe. My friends in university lived in apartments with 2 pipe systems and I knew how bad the spring could get before they switched to chilled water.

New Toronto

My condo which I sold a few years ago was west facing, basically had to start running the A/C in April because the unit would cook in the evening sun and my sliding door didn't have a screen lol


Save some tinfoil for the rest of us. It's pretty clear this can be chalked up to plain stupidity and not some nefarious campaign by the WEC or Globalists or whatever the hell other group you wanna imagine as evil.