beggars can’t be choosers, this is why the bulls have been stuck holding lavine. when you give out horrible contracts like that, you gotta get it off the books however you can. the longer they hold, the less they’ll get. pdx should be giving up picks.

bill, doesn’t look like he washes his legs.

in hindsight it all made sense, at the time it didn’t. now i see how hard it would’ve been for him to dismantle a dynasty he helped to build and keep together.

i don’t think it’s working either. i understand the idea of creating parity, but there’s such a thing as creating too much parity; where the talent is spread too thin. dynasties have brought a lot of interest to the nba, it’s hard to have great teams when owners will be reluctant to spend due to tax implications.

the nuggets are beginning to feel that burn, not being able to spend to keep core rotational pieces is rough.

kelis dress looking like a repurposed reese’s cup.

this wasn’t even lack of awareness, she made up her mind the minute cc came off the screen and didn’t even look towards her. looked straight for the entry pass to the post. which isn’t even the first option, it’s the second if cc can’t create separation to get open.

clips just don’t invest enough in their youth development. the only legit prospect they’ve developed in the past 5 years has been mann. they opt for vets which is cool, but the season is 82 games long. need fresh legs to make it through 82.

never understood how a team that has two stars that struggle to play half the season/playoffs, is always going after aged vets that have the same issue.

what’s the sense in filling the roster with vets if they’re never available when needed most. or are just simply past their prime, and can’t contribute much to winning.