Lifespans are shorter as well. Not only did aids kill millions of gay folk thanks to Reagan ignoring a problem that largely effected gay people, but people are still killed in the streets by religious zealots for being gay

That was always the weirdest part. Why do they care? Why do they feel entitled to see my face?

I remember one time in 2020 I was at a red light and someone yelled at me (I had my window down) telling me to take it off as I was alone in my car. Like okay, fair enough I don't need it, but tbh I had it on for the entire day and just forgot it was there. All the trumpers saying they couldn't breathe with the mask on, or that it gave them great discomfort, always made me laugh. Like damn if an N95 is cutting off your ability to breathe you need to get to the nearest ventilator asap.

I'm about 35hrs into my first playthrough and am playing on medium. Exploring the world at my pace will take me nearly 100hrs between the main game and DLC. For me, I'm here for the story and I like feeling like a god on medium lol. Maybe someday I'll give lethal a try, but I have so many more games in my library to play and not the time to play them.

r/conservative is very upset with this. A few posts have mentioned Alex being targeted and of course suggesting liberals are nazis for this. It's been a wild week in that sub.

I'm sure there will be a few terrorists that do something stupid, but nothing amounting to anything significant. Much like Trump and the cult itself.

r/conservative is a goldmine for this stuff. You can literally see the mental hoops they jump through from comment to comment. They only "debate" caricatures of liberals they have in their imagination and 18 year old freshman undergraduates whose brains aren't even fully developed that they then post to YouTube titled "liberal OWNED by Ben Shapiro" or whatever. I can't think of anything more intellectually dishonest than "debating" an audience of 18 year olds and thinking it means anything lol

Less laborers for them. Also means less need to import people who might not be white. And if the child can't be properly cared for they can't get in trouble for it. Win win for them.

Then of course you have the religious who think they should use the law to impose gods will or whatever.

Main two reasons.

About 30% of the GOP can't even walk 3 miles. Yeah I'll take the blue haired lesbians they mock over geriatric boomers any day of the week

I make twice as much money as I did in 2018. In the same boat as you. Live at the same place and have even cut back on luxury items. Shit is looking bleak

This is what happens when a generation has political power for 40 years and has no qualms selling out several generations so they can enjoy their American dream.

Yes. It should be upsetting to everyone if a convicted felon for both fraud and sexual abuse becomes president of the United States. Why would this not be upsetting?

Oh that's right. The right doesn't have anything else to offer other than pissing off people they don't like.

r/conservative has been an absolute goldmine of criers today. My favorite post is comparing Biden to Hitler and Stalin for arresting political opponents. Like these dipshits didn't chant "lock her up" for half a decade on trumped up charges lmfao

I know a lot of soft republicans that will vote for whatever candidate the GOP puts up because they think it's better for their pocket books. At some point though you have to ask yourself if saving .10c at the pump is worth putting in the Oval Office a convicted felon, sexual abuser and someone sympathetic to white nationalism and Christian fascists.

It works in tarkov because there's no teammate indicator so singles get the advantage of not having muddled comms. When a squad has to confirm a target there's a chance you can fight back. As it stands now in this game, it is an overwhelming disadvantage so as a single I feel forced to rat

I've noticed that when my audio is cutting out, it's because the game changed my audio settings from headphones to something else. Switching it back fixes it

Illegals and children, yes! I'm tired of reading about companies caught employing 12 year olds in dangerous environments and only getting a 10k fine for it. That's hardly a punishment or deterrent lol

For me the game is just so beautiful I wanted to be able to enjoy the scenery while in dialogue. I started out in Japanese but spent more time reading than viewing. Changing to English for my first playthrough was the right move for me

Since when did trump and his cult care about laws?

It's truly bizarre to me how conservatives rationalize being the party of small government and free markets, but support shit like this and worse vandalize electric vehicles and charging stations. There have been dozen of charging stations in my city vandalized by dumbasses so stupid they didn't realize or care they were on camera doing it. All of them redneck country bumpkins in a 90k truck they financed at 9% and can't afford. At least once a month there is footage of some redneck vandalizing a charging station on the local news.

Ahhh I see. So if the thing someone produces isn't "tangible" (research is lmao) then it has no value. While we ponder this, let's take a moment to pray to our lord and savior Jesus Christ /s