Right now I feel like it was easier back when nobody knew what I was hiding. Opening up about my challenges has definitely changed the way the ppl in my life treat me (largely for the worse) and it's fucking embarrassing

One of the major things that contributed to my codependency with my husband was my anxiety disorders, including separation anxiety. I've been abandoned before, and lost my sister as a teenager, so letting my loved ones go is challenging for me. It's something I'm working on.

Nobody in my life who didn't NEED to know, knew about how I suffered my anxiety. That list basically comprised my immediate family, my closest friends, and my husband. I kept it under tight wraps. And only first relented a BIT when I had a severe mental breakdown in 2021. That was when I started being more open about my mental health struggles with my husband's family, friends outside of my immediate circle, a select few coworkers in passing, that kind of thing.

I'm not totally sure, but I feel like I regret it. Being honest helped take some of the immense pressure out of me, that I always suffered in silence. And it helps me be a more composed partner to my husband, which I greatly value and recognize as necessary. But these other people...I hate the way they treat me.

I've known some of these people for the majority of my life. I've known my husband's family for 15 years, nearly half of my life. They've only been aware of my mental illness for the last three years, and it's only been in like the last year and a half, that I've decided to open up to them and speak anecdotally about my experiences, or admit when I'm struggling and accept support of any kind. I've had these issues the whole entire time they've known me. But it's only been after I let them SEE it, that they've started treating me differently.

They act like I'm fragile, and I hate it. They jump to reassure me when I'm not even pressed. They hesitate to tell me 'bad or stressful' news. In my social circle, I was regarded as a tough, no-nonsense person, capable and direct - someone you went to when you wanted something done right and quickly. My opinion was sought on all kinds of problems, and I functioned as a leader among my families and friends. Now, I get pussyfooted around, and treated like a child who they feel protective of, and bad for.

I keep reassuring them more and more firmly that I'm okay, and can do without the kid gloves. But it is not working. It's making me wish I'd never opened up in the first place.

When people don't know how you suffer, they think you're strong and treat you like it. But allow them to see your vulnerable parts, and suddenly they treat you like you're weak...ugh

It's never okay for your partner to hit you.

It is never okay. That isn't a joke, and there's nothing funny about it.

Time to tell someone you trust irl and start planning your safe exit.

You're over filing them a bit. Slight wrong angle with the nail file

Well, I for one grew up surrounded by untreated GAD, major depression, narcissism, and a few cases of bipolar disorder. Also a bunch of eating disorders, and of course enmeshment and codependency. I have personal experience in exactly the kind of excessive attention seeking you're describing. And I still feel like you're the one being unreasonable in your situation.

I get that you're apparently just so worried and concerned for her and want to see her get help, but she is in the process of getting the help. There is clearly some valid, traumatized, deep seated reason why she feels the need to constantly seek external validation from others and live in romantic fantasy to feel important. The professionals who are giving her therapy and running the support groups will know how to handle her needs, and guide her down the right path. You, on the other hand, sound way TOO bothered by her. If I was your friend and I found out how much you were complaining about me behind my back, allegedly out if well meaning concern, I would ask you to stop. And if you didn't, I'd end our friendship. You're doing too much and need to calm down


No problem! I just use OPI topcoat right now but it could be better, I'm meaning to switch to Seche Vite. I think doing 2 layers sometimes makes a huuuge difference. And they are technically wet when I apply, but only once my nails pass a 'touch test' without smudging. Like tacky moreso than wet wet, if that makes sense

I had a big one at 11, then another big one at 17, then another big one at 26. Those are my podium ones so far

A big part of healing our codependency is to recognize and rein in our own urges to micro manage. Maybe she's looking for a lot more support than other people, and maybe it's a problem within her support groups. But ultimately you need to remember that even though she's your friend, it's not your circus. The therapists are trained adults, if they have an issue with her behavior, they'll let her know.

It sounds like what you want is for your friend to need less help and attention. And unfortunately, that's not going to happen, without the therapy. There is a reason why she's endlessly seeking validation. She is in the right place, to try and get help for those issues.

Try to be less bothered by her. And if you can't do that, then maybe take a step back from the friendship.

Yes, it just needs time to heal, with you not touching it

...the nature of a codependent relationship requires for there to be a primary Giver and a primary Taker..

I'm primarily the dependent in my codependent marriage, but that doesn't mean that I don't also suffer the toxic effects, or that I don't also have codependent and enmeshed behaviors...codependent are harmed and made more ill by dependents taking advantage of them, but dependents are in turn harmed by codependents, enabling them. And on both sides of the fence, the unhealthy behavior is often unintentional.

This sub and CoDA are meant for BOTH sides of codependency. You honestly sound like a judgemental and unsupportive friend, just from the context of this post. She wants and needs help, and is trying to reach for it, from dedicated support groups...but you think that she takes up too much space..

Thanks for the kind reply. I don't understand why I've been told repeatedly that I'm in the wrong place, on this post. Codependent relationships, by definition, involve a primary Giver AND a primary Taker. Can't have one without the other. And it's not like I don't have codependent issues too, instead of wholly dependent issues. My desperate need for external validation and praise only exists because self love was beaten and bullied out of me. I'm very aware of the fact that Dependents are the more hated half of this dynamic, and I get why - I've hated myself too, since I came to realize what I was doing wrong.

But I can't tell you how insulting and invalidating it is to come to a support group talking about being hurt by ex friends not believing I ever loved them, only to be repeatedly replied to like 'weLL mAyBe YoU DiDn'T eVeR LoVe ThEm, aLL i HeAr iS dEfLeCtEd ReSpOnSiBiLiTy!' I've been actively working on myself for two years now :')

I've been recommended Coda, they seem cool. I'm set to start Tim Fletchers Re/ACT program in September but I may look for virtual coda meetings in the interim. Thank you again

If you glance at my post history it's evident that I'm in the process of healing my cptsd and codependency, including my toxicity. I'm not in denial and shifting blame, and am actively working on myself - I just didn't think I needed to list everything I'm doing in my self work or list an acknowledgment of my personal flaws, as a part of this post.

The friendships didn't end because of the way I treated these people. I didn't want to disclose why they ended, but it was because one of them confessed to being in love with my spouse, and the other one was the first one's mom.

I'm by no means a perfect person, but I am very aware of what real love is, and am capable of feeling it. I loved both of these people for six years, and still care for them and wish them the best. That's why it hurts so much to end up hearing that they doubt I loved them, and to hear them picking unkindly at my personal shortcomings.

Edit - typo


I paint the undersides too, put top coat on the upper and undersides, and I'm really diligent about making sure I cap the free edges with polish and top coat

Bleach blonde bad built butch body

Borderline Codependent


Thanks for the answer

Thank you for the actual informative and helpful response. I'll try the inventory. Like I said, I've always scored some indicator points in tests I've tried but never enough to meet diagnostic criteria so far. I just feel myself having thoughts and feelings towards a couple old friends of mine that feel unhealthy, and aren't who I want to be. I loved these people, maybe still do. But I feel rage toward them. Idk

Pleakley, because she's been here for 5 minutes & she already looks Very Worried lmao

(Lilo & Stitch reference)

Also I am the way I am because I was raised in a cluster B Narc nest, I understand. I am very damaged. Partly in their image. I don't think that makes my outreach inherently offensive

Borderline Codependent

Please read my other reply to you