Business Analyst

Can't you create a wireframe with different skins? A diagram seems like it's going to be better than text.

Or diagrams inside something like Mural or Lucidchart so people can see the diversity in one visual document?

Agreed, but I can see his bias given his dislike against Boris and feels buffoonery is probably a shite way to run a political campaign.

I was gonna say "that's not normal - you should get her checked out" but TheMagicTorch's comment tells me that's a phrase that implies she's asleep...

Tune in at 4am to see crooked ties, bloody noses, heavy breathing and ice packs, yeah?

I can agree with Dorries that 13 Reform seats is worrying... But that's about it...

I don't mean to sound derogatory, but it's a pattern of behaviour that Tories know how to go on the attack when they're told "no" or "you're wrong".

We already had it. The Russia Report was a watered down "what was the likelihood of russian interference in British politics?" - result: "Russian influence is the new normal" - "cool, let's pretend that report never happened then!" and nothing more has been said since.

They'll get 409 seats and be held accountable for lying about 410.

Agreed. It was a scare tactic to put the wind up blue tie voters who will hold their nose and vote Tory out of fear for "the alternative".

"He tells it like it is" translates to "he says what I want to hear". Farage has had 25 years to test and hone his attack lines, and I don't think there'd be 13 seats if he wasn't drawn in. Personality politics at its finest, but charisma is not equal to competence.

And before that it was UKIP? BNP? Farage has been honing his lines for 25 years!

If anything, I welcome it not because of the far right in politics, but because another party pushing PR alongside the Greens could be beneficial and open up the left to this country.

My Mother is in her 70's. She said she was voting for Farage. If she did, I will be in utter despair, but she has always had undertones of racist remarks.

I can't see that mouthpiece knuckling down and having to do the hard graft of passing legislation through the political system.

There's a lot of historical and current links to Russia with Johnson, Farage and Trump. Johnson burying any idea of russian interference whilst he was PM was certainly interesting when there was surfacing of evidence that Russia funded Tory campaigns, and interfered with USA 2016 and Brexit. The phrase "if it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, it's probably a duck" is quite appropriate here.

Secondly, a lot of the UK don't read manifesto's - it's all personality politics. And people aren't engaged enough to understand the depth of these characters, they'll only see the surface acts. Boris isn't really a clumsy bumbling buffoon; he's Alexander de Pfeffel to his friends and family, a privately educated and shrewd social actor. Reform UK got the most favourable press coverage in this campaign - I heard that on the News Agents, or Rest is Politics, maybe both... So the Reform we were seeing isn't actually the real BNP errr UKIP errr Reform UK.

And further to that point, Farage's "contract" is very much Liz Truss MK2. If people were informed of what Reform and their 5 top chairs (who all went to private schools) being "men of the people", they'd likely see continued decline, leaving the ECHR, and their kids being sent to workhouses like the good old days.

Well from this angle it doesn't look like a PRS pickup cover, or at least it doesn't look like a matched pair. Unless your luthier has routed out the hole, or modified the cover? You may have the same issue if you buy the ivory, because if these are the original black covers, then the ivory will sit the same. 

But what about the evidence that links with the Epstein files? To your point, I agree - without a credible case, it isn't something that could be credibly reported without a lawsuit... But hearsay and rumours about other political figures, particularly on the left, is always free to be bounced around the right-wing media rooms in this fashion, so I haven't changed my stance that some outlets in the MSM appear crooked AF.

/uj - that's really sloppy writing and sounds like PRS Guitars made a guitar in '53, when they're really referencing a Fender Tele without saying it's a Fender Tele copy.

/rj - I heard the real Paul Reed Smith died from a toe infection after kicking a safe. The current face of the brand is a corporate plant.

Brit here - I was going to ask if this news is surfacing in your MSM? It is strange how quiet the news are on this topic, but it shows how wed the MSM are to some of these figures.

We have the same thing - four newspapers over the weekend with the same headlines all from Conservative headquarters. Crooked. Happy Independence Day and best of luck to you in November!

That looks like garbage. I don't understand how a shallower pickup ring changed anything. It sounds more like they lost your neck pickup ring and are trying to fob you off. I'd take it back. What did they do with your other pickups by the way?

The corner screws are usually to hold the pickup ring into the body, and the middle screws either side have a spring on them and you should be able to alter the height of the pickup. The spring keeps tension to allow you to set the pickup level in the body. If that's not working, then they've done an awful job.

OP's initial post was that they ordered American pups for an SE model. The tech who did the work said the cavity wasn't deep enough for USA pups and so had to make changes to accommodate them, one of those is obviously the wafer thin pickup ring.

Business Analyst

u/Maleficent_Time_7235 , this....

My experience has been 1.5 years in a company without an analyst and me scrabbling around. Then I spent 3 years in a company designing IT systems through requirements and modelling exercises but no other responsibilities. Now I'm in a full blown BA role having taken a pay cut to get the position, but I'm surrounded by BA's who can just do on any project going which puts me to shame currently.

I could make senior in 2 years, so 6.5 years in total. But I can't say how many of these years have been "competent".

From what I can see, and granted I've done some reading but I'm not an expert, Milei is a populist neoliberal. We in the UK have been through exactly what Argentina is currently going through, and that is public spending cuts through an austerity program. That has made our country feel like a developing nation. The rich are even fed up with our public services, but they have the buffer of being rich to protect them, and these austerity programs allow the already rich to setup companies that will be able to exploit upon the lack of public spending. The rest of us go without or make do and grumble. Having seen how broken our country is, our current election is a vote between Conservatives, more Conservatives, or a racist and fascist party with the more progressive parties being ridiculed as 'not serious' by MSM, and therefore the plebs who listen to it.

OP has definitely confused Milei with a fascist. But the policies Milei is pursuing, I would predict, will cause the financial uncertainty that will lead to the same place as the other countries being mentioned. Argentina will get fed up and start voting for the emerging populist fascists who will have all the answers to solve their problems.