Corset Club, opposite the riding room :)

The first time I heard a friend of mine playing a piece of music from the movie Pearl Harbour, I sobbed and it actually made me jump!

I was in high school and was mortified! First time it ever happened.

I also cant watch The Snowman because the tinkly piano version of “walking in the air” played over the end credits actually wrecks me.

“Ahh Flandereses!” “MMMM DONUTS” (replace donuts with any nice food), “Thats a Paddlin” “The ring came off my pudding can!” My car is called “Lurleen Lumpkin”

Probably square sausage or id be asked links or square (Airdrie)

A confused look or a dry roll and a link sausage (separate) if I was visiting the family down south 😅

Bullied throughout school. One of them died at 19, a few in prison or addicts.

Unfortunately, some of the worst culprits are living their best lives with families. Bastards.

Polly Pockets! Absolutely loved them. The tiny, very unsafe ones. Not the re-imagined bigger ones you get now 😅

No, PETA. I don’t want to go back to the ocean! Stop calling me! 🐳

Having far too strong an opinion on the way tea should be made and the proper name for a roll.

Booked for a bar in Greenock. Owner immediately grills me about my English accent because it’s a celtic bar. Says it’s lucky my Dad is from Derry or he would physically throw me out himself.

I gig alone. Two old pissheads damage my equipment when i run to the loo mid-set and owner has a go at me for walking away from my kit.

Got tf out of there as quickly as I could 😅

House-sitting for a friend in Dunbar. Didnt realise the nearby quarry used an air-raid siren noise to warn ahead of a controlled explosion.

As someone who played silent hill as a child, you can imagine the full anxiety attack that ensued 😅

You may not need the money now, but potentially being seen as a flake could cost you in future.

Lived up here since I was 6 (moved from way further down south so have the typical “posh” English accent and never lost it).

There will be the odd comment, but it’s WAY better than it used to be. Your partners family sound ridiculous and most people aren’t like that.

I doubt any reputable employer would judge you for your accent. It’s never really been an issue for me.

“Why you gotta be a bitch, Kathy?”

Diluting juice - unless I’m feeling flush and buy Ribena. Then it’s Ribena. I want everyone to know I’m on the fancy stuff 😂

A wholesome, non-violent GTA, where you could roam around the “universe” and choose to do “missions” (like find the chick, first day at Chilton) or just wander around, exploring, visit Lukes :)

Make a list of all the things you wished you were doing instead when you were at work and do them! How fun!

Joop mixed with Morgan perfume/Charlie body spray. Topnotes of Elnett.