I mean if you think Harper’s immigration policies were racist you certainly asked for this cake

Canadians begged for this and called anyone who disagreed racist. Look all the way back at the Syrian refugee crisis in 2015 and the public’s reaction to Harper limiting numbers

Enjoy the cake Canada, you bought it :)

Voters were swooning over bullshit lines like « we need to grow the economy from the heart out » only a few years ago

Canadians did it themselves did by voting for his policies time and time again when it was clear what the results would be

He thought Max was saying he was currently here illegally for half the interview. He had no idea what he was actually saying and just kept repeating the same memorized phrase

And yet people fell for it time and time again

When I played street hockey all the houses on the road gave their blessing. Are you getting permission from all the patrons of the parking lot to tolerate the risk posed by these grown ass men?

Canadians decided to give him another term when it was clear why he called an early election in the first place

Trudeau is a symptom of the brain rot of the Canadian electorate not the cause. The Conservative Party even still only equal voting intention percentage of the Liberals and NDP combined, so an equal number of people support this current cabal versus the only realistic alternative.

Enjoy the cake Canada, you made, and continue to make, it

Canada here lost dazzling blues and oil boots

Cancelled these and dazzle blues for me

It could just be based on where it’s all warehoused

He has massive appeal in south Asian communities and focused a lot of his time there in his PC leadership run.

I love my salts but don’t need more after the last drop

Say in checkout for 5 minutes with internal server error.