It won't matter. 2028 is right around the corner. And so is 2032 if 2028 didn't do the trick.

And first born for other things.

They say it's easier to make a million bucks than it is to earn a million bucks.

He needs to brush as many verdicts and indictments to the side as he can. "[He's] going no where." - Bonesaw

There are some fucked up women and men in the world. I have yet to meet one. That said it's too late, I'm married so if I did meet any of the freaks described below, it would be for naught. Go get'em kids.

the ebbing tide of your own arousal

You make it sound so poetic.

This is one of the bigger parts I can't get my head around. That and, "this guy is the best the Republicans can come up with?!".

I used to lean a little right. Then over the course of a long time the right has gone further and further to the right, so much so I am now on the left - and leaning into it because of that shift.

Always wondered why it worked better with a few drops of soap. Thank you.

That old timer through off my concentration.