This just reminded me. I saw a video clip of a black woman basically complaining about how many random strangers felt the need to comment about her baby to ask if mom was the nanny or if she adopted, etc. The father is a white man with light brown eyes and sandy brown hair. Those two people produced a very white baby with blonde hair and blue eyes. Recessive genes are a trip.

OPā€™s husband could end up with a ginger for all he knows.

I donā€™t knowā€¦ with his level of narcissism, he may fight for the kid just to spite OP.

:progress: Progress marches forward

There is a really poignant poem to go with that particular lesson plan. Not sure if you are familiar or it was part of your class so I linked it.

ā€œI thought you were saying this bxxxx needs a cxxx in her axx.ā€

That awkward and confused forehead kiss was sweet and hilarious.

The first thing my BFF and I did after checking into The Mirage in Vegas last year was Uber to Target. Got big bottles of water, snacks, mixers, and alcohol. Next time Iā€™ll ask them to remove all that weight trigger BS so we can use the damn fridge. Getting ice wasnā€™t terrible but, itā€™s the principle of the matter.

I donā€™t travel much but, itā€™s fairly common in the nicer hotels in Vegas. Itā€™s the first time I had ever seen it. They had to warn us. It was for work trips about a decade ago. When I went back last year, they still had them. I didnā€™t know you could ask the staff to remove them. Iā€™ll definitely do that next time.

That scene with the chainsaw. Iā€™ve never laughed so hard in my life. I couldnā€™t breathe.

I taught mine ā€œbe niceā€ when she bites too hard. Sheā€™ll stop and then lick the offended area. Too precious for words.

Absolutely one of my favorite scenes in the entire series.

I accidentally taught mine ā€œgimme kissesā€. We donā€™t deserve dogs.

They really do! I accidentally taught mine ā€œwatch outā€ and ā€œthatā€™s my spotā€. One for when sheā€™s under my feet or if I need to close a door. The other for when she steals my spot on the couch the second I move.

Ha. Looks like my Remy.

Youā€™re in the shower? Drinking a beer AND scrolling Reddit? Whatā€™s it like to have a perfect life?


This is Remy during our road trip home. That was almost 2 years ago. I cannot imagine my life without her.

My Tzu lets me brush her teeth although she fights it a little. I also use TropiClean Fresh Breath Original as a water additive. Ark Naturals Brushless Toothpaste as a ā€œtreatā€ when itā€™s not bath week. And, I give Remy lots of toys she can chew on that help keep her teeth cleaner than not. I donā€™t know if we can completely stop tarter buildup ourselves but, we can mitigate it. And, at the very least they have fresh breath when they attack our faces with sloppy kisses.

All that said, my vet told me they recommend professional cleaning after two years of age. So, we just got that done a week and a half ago. Remy had a bit of buildup on her back teeth and itā€™s gone!

I recommend the comic books as well! There can never be enough Mass Effect.

39 in a few months. Noticed my first gray hair shortly after my 33rd birthday. I have found a a few more since. After 34th, I found the grey pubes and that wasā€¦ disconcerting. Luckily, those seem to be localized. I donā€™t care if my whole head turns gray. I think Iā€™ll look cool. But, downstairs? Please, God, no!

Happy Birthday, Lucy!!


This was from Remyā€™s birthday back in March. My baby girl turned two.