First of all, opponents can now see that she's activating the gadget in bushes

And then let them also see where she is in the Shadow Realm (the same way you can see the location of an ally in the SR) and maybe make her leave it with one ammo

Happy early birthday! Glad you made it to this point, hope everything will be better for you from now on 🫂

Here's ur cake 🎂 :3

Henlo :3 I'm here if needed

Sounds awful :‹ Good luck with her... Hopefully you can have an honest talk with her and get her at least a bit back to normal 🫂

Then rename it to simply Ancient Legends or whatever

Npp :3 (the rest of the comments didn't load and I didn't know the question was already responded to lol)

Agnosticism is the view that a human can neither find the evidence for the existence of a god, or lack thereof

Absolutely nothing, your belief is very valid and you have every right to it 🫂 It's her fault for getting mad over this... Stay strong out there, as I've already said you did nothing wrong <33 Sincerely, a fellow agnostic

The shards are still there, watch the video on RoyaleApi YT

The shards are still there, watch the video on RoyaleApi YT

Dotychczasową definicją było "doprowadzenie do obcowania płciowego przemocą, groźbą bezprawną lub podstępem", co daje ofierze konieczność udowadniania przed sądem że wystarczająco broniła się przed gwałtem żeby w ogóle można było uznać że do to takowego doszło

Według zmiany zostanie ona uzupełniona o doprowadzenie do stosunku w jakikolwiek sposób mimo braku zgody. Dzięki temu o tym, czy dany czyn jest gwałtem lub nie, decyduje sam fakt braku obopólnego pozwolenia na zbliżenie, a nie to jak energicznie broniła się przed nim jedna ze stron czy na ile dobrze udokumentowane są ślady po przemocy

Near extinction. It's a land of toxic masculinity

Literally the opposite, we're like a bastion of toxic masculinity

Not sure what you've heard, but xenophobic and overall hateful people, not that great political situation dominated by two parties (one being far right, the other quite inactive, both mostly busy with bullying each other rather than solving actual problems) and quite probably being attacked by Russia if Ukraine falls doesn't sound cool

His desert, his Arrakis, his Dune

Silly virtual hug, better than nothing 🫂🫂

Free hugs for everyone since they seem quite needed

🫂 🫂 🫂 🫂 🫂

Komisje śledcze komisjami śledczymi, są potrzebne ale poza nimi realnie nic się nie dzieje. Odsunięcie od władzy poprzedniej, niebezpiecznej opcji było pierwszym krokiem, drugim musi być rzeczywiste wprowadzenie zapowiadanych faktycznych zmian na lepsze - zarówno w celu realnej poprawy sytuacji w kraju, i własnej sytuacji przy urnach

Happy birthday, and congratulations for making it till now! Wishing you all the best for the future, may it only get better <3

Even if it happens, then that only means you'll have grown as a person by the time the future you is there 🫂 Don't worry about it for now... Just focus on becoming the best version of yourself there can be ^