I’m not the brightest but when I took political science class in college that’s when I learned what Reagan did, one word I always remembered is deregulation.

When I see cars who do this, I suddenly have the urge to ride my electric scooter, go around the car as fast and as close as possible.

Because these people who cry about men with dicks are the ones who are secretly into this stuff.

I hate Home Depot parking lot. Have to watch out for work trucks since they don’t care. I already park far away but for Home Depot, I make an extra effort to park farther.

Still better dancer than Taylor Swift. Boom roasted!

You should see how I look at the convicted criminal and traitor…

They didn’t steal enough information from NASA. I guess back to hacking again lol

So being old is bad but being a convicted criminal and a traitor is ok (qualified to run for president)…yeah that makes effing sense.

Or perhaps not vote for a convicted criminal and traitor. Rather have an old man than that.

Bet he doesn’t serve to Asians. And don’t criticize his drinks, he might punch you and leave you blind.

Looks like a veteran. But no problem Don calling pow and soldiers killed in action losers. Also, Mr. Bone spurs.

Old is bad but convicted criminal and a traitor good. What a time to be alive.

Badass kitty. Bubbles would be proud of you.