I was born into a Christian family, and have found great comfort myself in the Lord as well as in finding my own relationship with Him. I was raised Methodist, still identify as United Methodist. I appreciate the emphasis on grace. I believe in the Holy Trinity because I've felt the presence of the Holy Spirit before and experienced an incredible peace.

Have you sought out mental health treatment? Please, please try speaking to a professional. Please call a suicide hotline or an emergency services line. You can also go directly to an emergency room in the US. Here is a list of suicide crisis lines by country: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines

r/suicidewatch is also a good resource here on Reddit. Please, try getting mental health treatment ASAP.

Please call a suicide hotline or an emergency services line. You can also go directly to an emergency room in the US. I understand that you're experiencing a mental health crisis- please, please seek out help from a mental health professional. Here is a list of suicide crisis lines by country: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines

r/suicidewatch is also a good resource here on Reddit. Please, try getting mental health treatment ASAP.

Did you read the article? Being intersex can cause gender dysphoria, but it is different than being transgender or non-binary. If you're going to take such a strong stance on this, you should be educated on the differences. And gender dysphoria has been classified as a mental illness in the past, but isn't in the modern age from what I've studied.

I'm just going to send you this link so you can read their explanation and maybe understand what I'm saying: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/16324-intersex

I will absolutely educate you especially since it's not a mental illness. Now, I don't think any gender identity stuff falls under mental illness, but I do want to clarify what intersex is specifically. It's a biological condition in which people are born and don't fit the 'male/female' sex binary. You may have heard of people who are intersex be referred to as "hermaphrodites", but that term is outdated and considered a slur. These people could have genitals and/or chromosomes that don't match the male/female binary. My point is that even at the biological level, it's not as simple as there only being male and female.

Everyone is male or female

I know you probably aren't open to a conversation about gender versus biological sex, but let me ask you this- are you familiar with intersex people?

I have OCD and have struggled with scrupsulosity (religious OCD). I completely understand what you're dealing with. I sincerely believe that God works through mental health professionals to help us. I think it's great that you're getting treatment, and I understand that it can be frustrating to have to deal with conditions where there are only treatments and no cure. I encourage you to voice those frustrations to your therapist if you'd like. I do want to say that I think the doubts about your salvation are likely coming from your mental illness. Have you been baptized?

I understand where you're coming from. But I want to say that I think what really freed me to feel more comfortable praying was realizing that we all have a different relationship with God the way we all have different relationships with each other. It's okay if your way of praying doesn't look or sound exactly like someone else's. It's okay to be honest with Him about what you're feeling and going through. Just talk to Him however you're comfortable.

It's also hard for me to make friends, so I understand where you're coming from. I hope you find your people soon. Also, I completely support you looking into a diagnosis for anxiety and depression- there are so many professionals out there who can help.

On your Old Testament question- from what I understand, we are under a New Covenant through Christ Jesus, and therefore the laws of the Old Testament don't apply unless they are repeated in the New Testament, essentially. That's how I understand it, but could be wrong.

Intrusive thoughts are so awful. Praying for you, but if they get worse, you might seek out mental health counseling.

I agree with those saying to look for a Church, especially one with a Youth Group- that definitely helped me when I was younger. However, I also recommend doing some sort of daily devotional. I know your life is probably very busy right now, but taking just a few minutes each day to read scripture and reflect on it really strengthens my relationship with God. There are tons online to choose from!

Form DD1375 or 21P-530?Death/Survivor Benefits :headstone:

Hi all,

My uncle was a Navy veteran and passed away last week, and I'm looking to apply for reimbursement for his funeral expenses. I've found information on the VA's 21P-530 Burial Allowance, but also the Navy's Mortuary Benefits and Claims form DD 1375. Does anyone know if one is better/more applicable than the other? Or if I can apply for both?

If it helps, he didn't pass while serving- he'd been out of the service for quite a while. He was being treated for cancer through a VA clinic, however.

Form DD1375 or 21P-530?HELP REQUESTED

Hi all,

Not sure if this is the right place to post this question. My uncle was a veteran and passed away last week, and I'm looking to apply for reimbursement for his funeral expenses. I've found information on the VA's 21P-530 Burial Allowance, but also the Navy's Mortuary Benefits and Claims form DD 1375. Does anyone know if one is better/more applicable than the other? Or if I can apply for both?

If it helps, he didn't pass while serving- he'd been out of the service for quite a while. He was being treated for cancer through a VA clinic, however.


Therapy? Yes. For me, it did. It isn't a cure-all or anything, but the right therapist can help you find coping mechanisms for mental health issues.

That's part of what I'm looking to find out

I'm in Lubbock now. I want to buy this one out of Childress due to the price. Got any recommendations for reasonably priced ones here in Lubbock?

Yes. I have a couple of times throughout my life and faith journey.

Moving a mobile homeRecommendations

Anyone have any recommendations for mobile home movers? I've been looking for someone to move one from Childress to Lubbock and having trouble getting anyone to actually answer their phone/email or call me back.

This sounds like a situation where you really need to seek mental health treatment.

I really like Semler! They're a queer Christian artist with a lot of stuff about deconstruction and reconciling their faith and sexuality, if that's your kind of thing.

I know it sounds simple, but I honestly think it's as simple as just talking to Him. Everyone has a different relationship with Jesus, it's okay if the way that you pray doesn't look like how someone else prays. Just reach out. He wants to hear from you. And never be afraid to talk to Him because of sin- we have all sinned and fallen short of His glory. He shows us grace and forgiveness if we ask for it.

It's so hard to understand why things like this happen. I am so sorry. I can't even imagine what pain you must be going through. The only thing I can say is that your daughter is with God. Have faith that you will be reuinted with her some day. God doesn't prevent bad things from happening, but He is with you when they do.

Please please seek out mental health services. Things like depression and suicidal thoughts and/or actions need to be treated by a professional. Here's a list of crisis lines by country: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines