Big ol' bacon buttsack

I HAVE to wear sunglasses or I'm squinting through one eye while it's watering. I love being able to fully open my eyes when it's night time, such a relief.

I second this. Depending on age, this could either be amazing or amateur hour.

As someone down there right now, at least temp wise that's true. Humidity? Oh I have no idea.

Yeah ones the hive mind has you, it's over. It happens, don't let it get to ya

I gotcha. I apologize for coming off so defensively.

Personally, I love the colder months. Cooler temps (50-60) are my favorite. Shorts and a hoodie. Hell I'll do that even when it's 30 out. My only gripe about it is that I wish that it was greener for more than 5 months.

I see what you are saying. I disagree a bit based on the heat being continuously miserable all year round down here compared to 70-80⁰ up north (sometimes 90s in heat waves).

80-90+ humidity make this way hotter than northern heat.

I must have misunderstood then. Could you please elaborate this?

For instance it's going to be hotter and more humid in nyc this whole week vs where I am in miami. Sure nyc will have a lower low at night. But I'm not a night owl.

Edit: woops, meant to add this. A heat wave compared to all year round at that higher temps is a bit different.

The issue here is you are taking a heat wave in NYC as what the temp always is. Where I live up near there is in the 70s right now.

Down south on the coast, I'm happy it it dips below 80⁰ with less than 50% humidity. It blows. This heat is ridiculous but now as bad as the 120⁰ in Kuwait I dealt with a few years ago. Felt like I was opening an oven door Everytime I got that woosh of air walking outside.

Big ol' bacon buttsack

I would totally eat that and I'm not even the least bit bri'ish

These are the cheap Chinese EVs that I see catching on fire constantly, right?

If I am going to stare at a butt for hours on end, it's going to be one I'm attracted to.

We had one that dug under our fence and made a home in my secure work area. We called him Charles G. Hog and even "added" him to our access list. He had his own special code and everything. Then he had little ones and them they trapped him and his lovely lady (I forget her name) and then the little ones died. We couldn't feed them consistently and protect them from predators. Poor little fellas...

The cool thing about being young and small is how light you are. Falling as a kid is usually no problem. As an adult? That shit hurts.

My temp has always been around 97.8-98.0 I can't stand hot temps and I love colder environments. It dips below that plenty of times but that seems to be my norm.

Hey this happened to me but with my big toenail. Was an awful process, very painful.

Me getting up out of a chair now that I'm in my 30s

You good bro? That's a bit fucked, even for this sub.

Were you getting ingrowns a bunch and just kept tearing the whole thing off?

Big ol' bacon buttsack

You son of a bitch, that's too far

Big ol' bacon buttsack

What do nuts have to do with cream? 🤔

Big ol' bacon buttsack

Fuck they are both terrible, lesser evil is still a shit choice

Oh man you just reminded me that he actually played despacito over the mic