That’s why I stopped watching the original Gossip Girl on the first ep. But I have been a fan of The Boys because I always felt like it was punching up and making fun of/critiquing those in positions of power and especially right-wing politicians. And super heroes themselves, which I’ve never been a fan of.

That said, I’ve always had to hold my hand over my face because of the violence which seems like it keeps getting more and more crazy. This season has been super disturbing and also weirdly more corny. I’m kinda invested but I’m waffling for sure.

So if her paid labor cuts too much into her unpaid labor then she can leverage it to make more time for her unpaid labor? Wash his clothes and “do lingerie” lol ok.

Perched for this event.

Tex Mex there is nowhere like what is everywhere in Dallas.

You’re right, we just got done having our special month and need to sit down now!

It’s not that they panic marry, it’s that they finally find someone they actually want to marry, as painful as it is to accept. If she was truly the love of his life he would have married her by now.

He doesn’t want to marry you. He’s holding out for the woman of his dreams. Even if he proposes at this late date it will be a shut up ring. Look it up on TikTok, do a little research and reclaim your self worth.

ETA: look up ceciliaregina275 on TT she will set you straight xoxo

Wasn’t there an orange with a mouth like this once? Did I hallucinate that? 🍊

That’s exactly what she wants, someone to join her in her endless childish “look at me!” reindeer games.

Thank you for bolstering my opinion that Trinity is coming off like a pathological liar with actual facts xoxo

I don’t know how generally loved it was and remember there was some drama as to why it closed early but Grey Gardens was one of my favorites ever.

It’s not sweet? It’s tangy and extra savory from all the yolks and msg. I love both but kewpie is the best for fries. Hellmans is better for tuna or egg salad.

Soupplantation vs Scottish parking lot

So happy to see all this positivity about her in this thread! She can be bumbling but I feel like I’ve always been able to see her heart.

That’s literally the entire job, give me a break.

Mass psychosis is real and a true detriment to society just look at Trumpf.