Either A) keep track of your hostages, or B) don't take hostages in the first place.

With the way Jagmeet has aligned the NDP as the Liberals' ride or die, would not at all be surprised by another Bloc opposition after the next election.

A guy did this on Nova Scotia. He managed to kill 22 people before he was shot by the actual police.

After he was done with the people he originally targeted, he just went around pulling people over and shooting them on the side of the road.


Someone has something similar in my town. I think as a small weather-proof trailer, it's pretty resourceful. I've never seen it actually being towed, mind you.

My understanding was that, in the US, field sobriety test are to determine whether or not there is probable cause for a follow-up breathalyzer test or blood test.

I may be compleatly wrong about that though. I'm in Ontario, where refusing a breathalyzer test is its own provincial offense, and can also lead to a conviction under the Criminal Code of Canada for impaired driving.

Funny how neo-hippies will go on and on about avoiding less-than-trace amounts chemicals in this and that, but won't hesitate to take a random illicitly produced pill someone hands them at a rave.

No need to go through the trouble of buying the company for that. Life Labs has already been breached and had its patient's records sold on the dark web.

The Life Labs privacy breach paid out the princely sum of $7.86 to each claimant who had their private medical records stolen and sold on the dark web. Of that $7.86, $2.00 was clawed back in "processing fees".


I know we want to lionise Obama with this, but context here is in the aftermath of the invasions in Donbas and Crimea, and Assad's use of sarin gas in Syria; all Obama-declared red-lines that were crossed without consequence.

I may be mistaken, but I believe that this may have been their first face-to-face meeting since the above, and the consensus of observers was that it had not gone well for Obama. This wasn't a good time for US foreign policy.

They're going to end up with less seats than they did after the 2011 election, and still think it's just a matter of miscommunication.

Maybe they should bring back Ignatieff to soak up the L.

Don't worry, barely anyone is seeing this. So you can always steal it and repost it later for glory.

They occupied Gaza for nearly 40 years while also occupying southern Lebanon for 18 of those years. All while occupying the West Bank and Golan Heights since 1967. Their whole defence doctrine is bases on being surrounded by nations that want to annihilate them. I think they'll be fine.

Considering that (as a political base) they've been the biggest hindrence to peace (prior to October 6) , they probably should be subject to the same service requirements as the majority of Israeli citizens.

It always seems like France is leading the trend on something.

It's called fashion, Brenda. Look it up.

Can the Liberals beat their lows of 2011? Tune in next election to find out!

Maybe they can lure back Ignatieff to take thr L for them.

That's got to be a dogwhistle. Avoid those folks.