Presentation is most important - so how your fly drifts down the water column. Then fly choice. Casting is important and part of presentation, but a proper dead drift and the right fly is going to catch fish over how far you’re casting.

Depends on the area you’re fishing and time of year but it looks like you could use a few more chubby chernobyls, zebra midges, perdigons and some sort of bwo or Adam’s.

This isn’t even remotely a smash burger. Good luck breaking your jaw to eat that. What even the point of stacking it that high?

In 15 years of trying I never got a buckhorn spot on a Saturday.

I ah e a strong dislike for the baskets as thing will fly out no matter how good it’s tied down or netted. Unless it’s secured by a bolt system. The cargo boxes are far more worth it imo. Both Yakima and Thule are great. There’s other brands and systems too…it’s hard to go wrong.

Most doctors and pharmacies can’t even stock it since everyone wants it, so there is a bit of a rigorous process to qualify through insurance.

If that basil came from a greenhouse and you put it in direct sunlight without slowly introducing it to outside elements it can get sunburnt and succumb to the new harsher elements.

Looks sunburnt. Did you harden it off before putting outside?

oooo i was just there!

This question comes up very very frequently and you should search the sub.

Seems like you’re doing something wrong. I’ve had two clearwaters, one for 4 years and one for 27 and the only time I broke it was bashing it in the screen door on accident.

Is it a 4 piece? It’s not the rod if so. Are you sure your line isn’t wrapped around the tip or maybe you’re being overly aggressive with hook sets or something

Do the tour! I’ve been a member for a year and a half and love it. I sometimes can’t go for a month or so but it’s worth the membership.

The good news is we are nearly entering wet wading season so the water and temps will be warm enough to go without waders.

I might as well plug my favorite fly shop- Rocky Mountain anglers in Boulder. Check em out.

Big Thompson, Boulder creek, St. Vrain, South Boulder creek, left hand creek, brainard lake area, etc.

Everything. AI, physics, making the maps feel like there is some life to them, proper road scale.

As a 38yo I feel a found a tighter knit community, more quiet and achieve my goals of living very close to a lot of my food sources, living near lots of lakes and rivers for activities and near RMNP.

While the nightlife is nonexistent, it’s pretty solid otherwise for someone of my age.

I’ve resorted to WiFi calling only. I’m south Longmont by Oskar blues and have AT&T and it’s hot garbage. What carrier do you all use?

To see and hear that there are still trout in SoCal gives me some warm fuzzy vibes and makes me happy.

renders, you can tell by the animated version

Keep looking. Usually you will find one within an industry or career or hobby or sport. That or find a mentor