5.5 gun deaths per million across a 10 million population is 55 deaths or one American Mass Shooting (1 AMS).

Isn't there a sub where people squeeze sores and pimples

Genius set himself up for a book and movie deal

Edgar the Bug finally abandoned his Edgar suit and found a new suit.

You'd be surprised - it's equally plausible that the sentiment is coming from followers of evangelistic churches from the West.

Who can forget that classic, Escape from LA?

You hang up first

No you hang up

Ok. Haha thought I got you to hang up

I knew. Now you hang up. . . .

And each country's reps were delegated from local taiji championships? Or is it pay to play

I suppose you called it a world cup so that all the winners could call themselves world champions?

I saw some on sale at the local Scarlett supermarket, which has a food kiosk.

Not all of them have a kiosk.

120K so the other guy is being investigated for illegal transport of cash across borders and money laundering, right?

Militant conservatism in the worst possible sense is on the rise in Singapore and nobody wants to do anything about it.

Gender reveals are really over the top these days


Would spraying chemicals into a commercial food preparation area constitute some sort of crime or felony?


After Luckin got caught in their fraud where do you think they're skimping? You can't pay me to drink there.

Till diabetes do we part

He could be gaslighting his armed followers to storm the debate venue like they did the Capitol.

Maybe the Secret Service should pull agents from his detail to protect the standing President.