While the Timex x Ghostly Navi is not a GMT watch, you can still use it to figure out what time it is around the world. The simplest way is to align your current city (or one in your time zone) to the hour hand. Then, find the city you want to know the time in, and see what hour it’s by. The other option you have is to just figure out the difference between your city and the one in question (count the steps), and then do the math in your mind to determine it.

I saw this from Wrist Watch Review.

I really like the design of this one. I think I'm gonna get it.

It's meh.

She should have been in the shop or something else. Nice skin, but was wanting something not part of last Season's theme.

Chopper the Cotton Candy Lover

I was under the impression when it was announced it would serve like the Dragonball Z Kai of Dragonball Z.

Cut out all the filler and long pauses and looks and reactions.

This is fuckin seriously about to get bad if trump wins.

It's any Republican moving forward, really. Trump isn't the only one. Yeah, he's bad, but it's the party that enables him.

:flag-va: Virginia

Play by their fucking rules for once.

Dems ain't doing that lmao. They are too soft.

What a stupid comment.

There's a ton of different salad choppers and spinners out there. We want the one that Tinsel-Fop is talking about.

I got a SWEET manual can opener. I paid, I think it was really close to $20. It's really the best. I was buying a new one every year or so because they would wear down and get tougher to open, to the point my hand or fingers would hurt after.

This new one, it's almost enjoyable because it just smoothly opens the can.

:Trash1: Trash I

Yeah, sometimes. I win some, I lose a lot. It's irritating when team members start just hanging around not moving.

:Trash1: Trash I

I've just started playing for the first time since 2016.

I am not good. Not good at all.

The USS Tennessee is an Ohio-class ballistic-missile sub able to carry as many as 20 Trident nuclear missiles.

1 Trident Missile is 455 kt.

With Airburst, everything within a mile is fireballed, VAPORIZED. Moderate blast damage going out 35 miles, meaning universal damage and a high potential for fires. Thermal radiation spreading to 40~ish miles, and light blast damage up to 300 miles away which means windows breaking. In DC as a strict example, you're looking at almost 400k fatalities, and almost 700k injuries.

With a surface you're looking at fireball being just over a mile, everything vaporized. Heavy blast damage up to 5 miles, moderate 8 miles. Radiation out to 7-8 miles. Not to mention the wind carrying the Fallout. Devastating. The initial fatalities will be lower, but I'm sure with the fallout it'll easily push back the Airburst numbers.

Perspective: Fat Man used in Nagasaki was 20kt. Little Boy for Hiroshima was 15kt.

Yall should google NUKEMAP to play with the settings. It's really interesting.


We're six months away from 2020 being five years ago.

Bullet Train.

I love that movie. It's so good. Definitely in my top 10.

EDIT: I want a prequel movie about LEMON AND TANGERINE.

Sadly that doesn't work, because most review sites allow the owner to have all the bad reviews removed when there's a "fake review attack" (not sure what the proper term is).

That's cool cause I actually now wait a couple weeks and then leave the bad review cause yelp/google started locking down reviews for a few days when this happens.


When I was 18 I worked in a Super Target deli, I caught the flu and tried to call off but the Store Team Lead was like, "We need you to close tonight." So I came in, even though I had liquid coming out of both ends of me and a fever, which, if you work in food, you know you're really not supposed to work around food sick.

I ended up puking in the prep sink while I was prepping rotisserie chickens around 7PM. So I went and found the Leader on Duty up front by the registers that I'm closing the deli after I clean my puke and QMOSing the chickens, but someone's gotta clean the slicers and floors. This MFer told me that we don't close the deli over my "willy nilly problems" and to get back to work.

So I told him he's a "fucking asshole", I was gonna call the Health Department and see what they think about having sick people around food, and that I quit, loudly. He had our AP Security walk me out.

I hope he enjoyed that health department visit because I specifically gave them his name, and I hope he was the one to clean my puke.

This is too funny. Is there a video???

Google is free, but apparently you're too stupid to even do that:

The previous analysis, which examined data through 2016, showed that firearm-related injuries were second only to motor vehicle crashes (both traffic-related and nontraffic-related) as the leading cause of death among children and adolescents, defined as persons 1 to 19 years of age. Since 2016, that gap has narrowed, and in 2020, firearm-related injuries became the leading cause of death in that age group


Here are some other sources, and it literally took 2 minutes:



But I can respect what she has done for the industry and other young female artists,

didn't she recently just release like 12 albums all with slight variations that typically count as separate albums to purposely block other female artists from the top charts???

Taylor Swift isn't a "person", she's a brand. A bad brand.

I also think Grohl was just poking fun at her, the way a friend would. I don't think it was malicious. Typical Swifties blowing up over stupid stuff though.

We gotta vote. Write to our reps. We need to March.

The leading cause of death among children is a firearm.