I fucking hate how the animal doesn't have the ability to appreciate your appreciation.

Except ignoring people is cowardly most of the time. I had a coworker who slowly started ignoring person after person and honestly, I didn't even see it as that big of a deal except when I realized that it's extremely enraging and provocative to the other person

I once fractured my foot, wasn't bloody, went into 5 hour surgery to slice it open and put all the tiny pieces back together, I got a drainage for all the bleeding after surgery, but it was clogged. So when I woke up in the hospital, I was sleeping in a wet half dried puddle of blood. The entire bed was soaked and smelled like iron.

It was all fine tho, I was still okayish, they fixed it pretty fast!

This is actually a valid point made by peta.

Haters will say it's fake...

I've broken my foot like this, it just snapped due to too much pressure (I was jumping from a high place)

Tracking anecdotes is bs and we all know that