I know someone already mentioned Fiona Apple, but I would specifically recommend "Never Is A Promise." It sounds exactly as you describe. Arppegiated Piano, sweet soft lullabye like vocal. It does have dynamic beyond lullaby for vocal, but it has soft high notes. No percussion, only string arrangement. It is one of my favorite songs ever

This is the extreme sports equivalent of patting your head and rubbing your stomach at the same time

Ali is an unfair assessment though. He could hardly hold his hands up, let alone throw a punch due to Parkinsons. So yes, you can probably beat up a Parkinson's addled Ali (you animal!). However, if Ali had his wits and his physicality in his 50s, I would say that you wouldnt be able to beat him. Or have a hard time landing a hit. Maybe his fighting style would be too much in his old age, however it would still be very difficult to beat unless you were a pro boxer as well. Maybe once he is in his late 60s-80s , maybe then you could beat up an old man boxer. Dont forget the vids out there of an old man in a sweater knocking out a cocky young boxer. That man definitely was in his 70s, others vids say he was actually 86. Here is that vid: https://youtube.com/shorts/OiQwlsS1OE8?si=Lh2MzogjNFO6EAtY

Vids like this show that boxing is a lot more technique than say youthfulness or speed. Tyson looked more than capable here in the OP post to keep up with a younger boxer. Maybe not a whole season of it, but for one fight?? I dont think it is as cats-in-the-bag as it seems when considerinh age gap. Boxing is a whole other system of fighting.

My only issue with this stance is that there is a bit too gung ho to replace entry level developers. If entry level cant get professional experience, how do they ever get a job that requires experie ce? If they cant get pro experience, then how do they get mid level experience? And then senior level? It may be a practical and cost effective maneuver in the short term for small companies and a small, skilled staff. But is this sustainable economically for those seeking entry level in programming? It may make sense for your company, depending on revenue, but if this attitude is so widely adopted, I can see it being the domino effect. I understand it forces entry level to seek differrnt entry level, but it could also being stamping out the opportunity for a smart dev without much on the job experience that is preventing employment. I think there is value in protege type of relationships, allowing junior dev to cut their teeth and work up to be a higher level dev. Yes, they could have slower output, but it is teaching them to be faster and potentially giving them new ideas and directions.

You mean an entire party propping a man up clearly struggling cognitively to take on one of the most stressful jobs is not, in some sense, morally corrupt?

Dont lie and act like if one Donald Trump's kid was smoking crack and scoring hookers that the left would have their field day, and that it would never be lived down.

Let us just say it like it is. We only care if our team wins, regardless of the players.


It is not comparing but the fact D and R are so hung up on Biden vs Trump. Both of ya ll dont have anything better? A corpse propped on strings vs a megalomaniac cult leader. Why not be upset at both dealings? Acting like Hunter Biden just texted "love you daddy." Let's turn our cheek on the corruption inside the Democrats and look at the corruption of only the Republicans. The cognitive dissonance of the american public is so unreal. They dont need to rig the system when the people are rigged. Brainwashed. Both sides.

So, my original point. We only point out corruption when it is not on our team. It is like "im not hypocrite! Youre a hypocrite!" "Im not a hypocrite! Youre a hypocrite!" And who wins at the end of all of it? Not the people.

And the echo chamber proves my point further. -10 on my post in this democrat echo chamber because i dont support either of these candidates. I bet you each one of those ppl that downvoted think i support Trump. That is the mentality of this close minded ass subreddit. It is just a big ol circle jerk..im sure just like a right wing subreddit. A nice ol pat on the back for all our comrades for saying the same opinion and downvote any subvergence.

Hey at least he makes his nepotism clear and bright for the public to see. You know what youre getting.

Hello echo chamber. Let the poor old guy retire already. Democrats dont have any better candidate? It is not like the republicans got much going on.

"Why dont Trump supporters get upset about Trump's kids"

"Why dont Biden supporters get upset about Biden's kid?"

This is what happens when your politics becomes another sporting event.

I am also learning programming no prior experience. The MITx intro to computer science using Python was my first foray into the realm, and it absolutely kicked my butt. The tutors in the class will say "this class assumes you have introductory knowledge in CS," which I Didnt, so i watched the vids intently, took notes, and subjected myself to the class despite some difficulties. I didnt complete all the Units because I had school starting, so had to focus on my HW. However, the class i feel, actually gave me an edge because i challenged myself, that when i went to other courses for programming, it was like taking the training bars off the baseball bat. I highly recommend checking out the class (because it teaches about certain key algorithms and has some challenges that get you familiar with syntax and logic). Once you get the hang of algorithms and doing more simple challenges (that Arent really the most useful on its own, but the logic is essential to your progress), when learning to code for a specific function (going thru tutorials) you will have a better grasp on For loops and how and when to use If conditionals.

To keep my own skills sharp, I did use Khan Academy. I say, if youre a beginner, learn like a beginner. KA uses JavaScript, HTML, CSS, but i took it as an opportunity to learn logic and build something that is interactive. They make their classes so that you are building projects that you can view in real time as you code, and has an easy debugging tool. I think learning a curly bracket language trains your brain to seek out details when debugging. Then, when going back to Python, it is like a big sigh of relief you dont have to worry about brackets and semicolons. It makes learning Python a bit lighter, IMO.

So TLDR, i recommend MITx intro to Python to kick your butt with introductory algorithms and concepts, and keeps up the challenge for a newbie that i think supercharges the learning process. I also recommend learning through services targeted at a younger audience, like Khan Academy. Although you are learning another language, the most important thing you are training yourself to understand is logic, algorithms, and how to debug -- getting things on the screen in real time (with KA) will give you that feeling of satisfaction of creation that encouraged me to keep going.

One last thing: TAKE NOTES! Taking notes will help you retain all this knowledge. Im a big note taker, and honestly I dont look at my notes much afterwards, but the act of writing down the information is a form of repitition/recitation that will help you to retain info.

Experiment. You shouldnt be planning complex arrangements for the hell of it. Get those sample linraries you downloaded and experiment with effects. Let the sounds guide you to where you need to be. Practice and study is good and all, but music happens when you are playing the instrument. If your instrument is your typing keyboard, then that is what you need to jam on. It has 2 octaves, that is all you need to write the melody or the rhythm. Dont think too much if this is what Mozart would do.

If youre having issues coming up with sounds, write melodies on a dry sine synth or piano sound. A good melody is good, regardless of the timbre. You are in the land of midi, you can copy and paste your melody into different instruments, into different keys, on top of itself to create harmonies (may want to of course adjust the details to remain in key/mode). Hum to yourself, random notes, hum until you get the bug and try to reproduce it on midi.

Dont just look for tone, think about the music first. Tone, VST, counterpoint melodies and all that other theory, that is all secondary to a good song. A good song needs a melody, needs some sort of rhythm. Having trouble with melody? It is okay, maybe you are a rhythm genius and that is what will inform your melody. I can tell you right now, because you are looking into theory and instrument tone, that you are thinking too much of if it will SOUND good. You cannot mix thin air, so make the song first - even if it is a 4 bar loop to start. Dont think about tone but if the melody moves you. (Listen to piano covers - what exactly makes a good piano cover? It is only one instrument, one timbre, but it has all the elements in an arrangement and can be applied to any genre). Drag and drop VST into midi sequence and Experiment with your effects - dont judge a sound based on its default, you might find magic when you add a flanger or some reverb. Take your time, also, and be patient with this process. It may sound like crap today but tomorrow it can sound like gold (or lots of time, vice versa).

2 years experience on bass and signed?? I just gotta ask, was that just feet to the pavement gigging nonstop right place right time, or was there some connection?? I am not asking out of animosity, I just am genuinely curious about how it was like especially in the 90s (and if im gleaming the details, signed to a Warner Bros subsidiary?). I look at eras before 2010 with rose tinted glasses when it comes to making it with a band, with the A & R guy in the back of the venue coming up to you after the show and being like "youre signed!"

Monkey in Space

"You will own nothing and you will be happy" is one of the tenets of the World Economic Forum's Great Reset plan. Look into the agendas of World Economic Forum and the corporate globalism behind it. They hold yearly conferences called Davos, and they talk lots about the future of technology, interesting, futuristic, but also black mirror type of stuff like brain wave monitoring systems. It sounds like something made up, but it is real.

Original Great Reset "predictions" video where the slogan originated. This vid is no longer on WEF official YT page, so it is now hosted by secondary pages. Im going to guess because it stirred lots of negative press for WEF:


Then there is this brainwaves analyzer demonstration:


Monkey in Space

It is insane people don't know about the WEF or what they talk about during their conferences.

When everyone returns to class the next day confused and think this is what code should look like, the professor will say "Can anyone tell me what was wrong with the code in last night's assignment?"

Affect - to make change


There is saying how music affects the brain. And then there is saying the effects of music on the brain.

Edit and upon review, i proved you right lol someone's gotta do it

This is Your Brain on Music is one of the best books ever written on the (edit)Effects of music on neuropsychology. It will change how you perceive music!!

1st book is owl (who is carrying Harry's Hogwart invite) on a branch but the branch looks like a lightening bolt.

2nd, harry as he heads into a chamber, but the chamber is shaped like a snake.

3rd, the shrieking shake, but it's a wolf (hinting at Sirius Black's animagus)

4th goblet has flames that look like hooded figures (the death eaters waiting for Harry on other side of portkey)

5th, it's a phoenix but the wings shape out Hogwarts (order protecting the school)

6th, Dumbledore shooting out a spell, but the sparks are shaping out a book (hinting at the potions textbook Harry gets)

7th, this is just Harry Potter's glasses and scar, but it does like maybe something happening in his hairline