wow she finally got out of jjwxc’s contract. Good for her. :) I also vaguely recall she showing snippet for her next novel last year or so but maybe she scrapped it lol (she also did mention in that same tweet she might throw it away for the fourth time or smthing) I do hope we see some new content from her soon!

Not sure about that turret, there’s a hair that’s distracting me.

It took me a hot minute to recall this scene but this is a great strange thing that indeed happened LMAOOOO

This book is originally written in first person view too, it’s all I’s and internal monologues. Some Chinese novels are written in first person so reader have limited information into other character’s action/ limited perception.

i also intentionally didn't order it with the box. (weight +shipping dimensions + not useful for me), but it didn't ship any faster LOL

I got my set from Feiqin when they just started shipping pre-orders (took 6-8 months to get mine because it was still technically pre-order of instocks)

Should be much faster now.

package arrived well packaged and in good conditions.(shipping ( to US) was very scary tho LOL)

you need to at least be “trying to scam or text a certain quota” to avoid punishment. (Based on different scam documentaries/movies/writings. Because making money could take hours, days, months depends on how big the fish is.

The way scammer phased one of the text when OP said “I’ll be your bait so you won’t get punishment”, scammer replied with “I want big money” as in he don’t care for having baits ongoing to avoid punishment, he want real ppl he can scam for “big money” . Not sure if that comes though in the context but in Chinese I think it sounds like he is there willingly or voluntarily.

Some of these people aren’t looking to be “saved”. Based on the above conversation, this dude seem ok with scamming others cus he’s there to “make big money” and that’s what makes it harder for anyone to try to help them. China recently had a big operation in Cambodia arresting a lot of scammers and crime family members. Rumor is one of the major crime family in north Cambodia murdered (buried alive) 4 undercover Chinese cops, and murdered some Chinese citizens trying to escape the complex.

It's nice to meet another black cat enjoyer >w<

Imo the novel that fit on this list is quite small so it's to be expected you have read a lot of it already Q-Q (i want more too)

👀 wow. let me poke in my stash of nonhuman tops.

I'll assuming you have gone through the author 黑猫白袜子‘s novels, a lot of her story falls close to this trope (异种之母 and 倒霉直男意外变成虫母后)

And this one is like a mermaid(man) one? 人鱼恶礁 by天堂放逐者

here's that haitang novels:

魅惑总是大成功怎么办 by 一只白兔糖 (it's got the typical haitang tropes if you know what i mean)

溺于深海 by 长歌

我的理想小屋 (it’s a endless, MC ML dynamic is exact that…pile of tentacles) (too bad it’s recent jjwxc so it’s pretty tame). I have a few Haitang recommendation in this category if you don’t mind those too.

Great cosplays all around (especially the tabby and tux), very true to their characters :3

That's no longer your house, that's cats' Paradise Manor, and you are their live-in nip provider. :7946:

have you tried Seemoon ? They have a decent amount of uncensored in stock (I’ll dm you I might get removed soon)

Any studio with one of the major backer being Tencent or Netease.

(these company are too focused on revenue and will definite destroy any good name from the studio if they can squeeze a few dollar out)

I have stopped reading many book @ 90% or so when i just can't enjoy it anymore. And it may be the story plot no longer agrees with my views, or the writing got worse, but nonetheless it was hard to continue

Maybe one day i will come back to it, maybe i won't. but it was a fun ride while it lasted :)

oh i been using a app named Bookmory as well. so far it seem to work for what I need.

I also been using Notion and made a booklist.

I do need to update it more often...

I thought it be a good idea to fly EWR - IAH on a big plane (more ppl, less likely to cancel) but did not think the plane could also be used to make up for other transatlantic flights lol.

Very useful informations, Thank you.

I’m interested as well!

Cute little brother, who also punches very hard.

One day we gonna get a whole sidequest where you need to gather gossips from plants.

I want to hug his tail and sleep on it. (When he does show tail)