Correct me if I'm wrong, but there might be a physiological comfort in ejaculation, releasing pressure, so to speak, as sperm are constantly produced. And that doesn't mean anyone owes the sex. Men care take care of "needs" themselves.

Interesting. I'm glad you found a diet that works for you. Personally, I haven't found spicy foods trouble me. But tomatoes and peanut butter are big nos for me. Have you tried isolating foods to see what affects you?

I do remember hoping id never stumble up on a black hole

If symptoms are often after meals, have you addressed your diet? My dysautonomia appeared after I got covid, and it seems I have developed a sensitivity (histamine intolerance) to some foods. I had to give up some of my favorites like peanut butter, processed meats, and tomato.

Yes. 3 1/2 year headache. Have had four to five episodes of a few days without. Never more.

I can't wait to see pictures like this in future history slideshows about the inflation of the 20's

New Poster

Your point is valid, but old fashioned phrases DO take on an air of formality once they have fallen out of use.

Yes, you are right. Good job! My point was that I was so used to the humidity of SOUTHERN Illinois during warm weather, that I didn't realize shade could make such a difference when humidity was low. Dude.

Exact this. I grew up in the Midwest, mostly southern Illinois. Went to las Vegas, where it was hot, at least 100 f. I stepped into the shade, and it was noticeabley cooler. I finally understood what shade CAN be. Legitimately blew my mind.

I have this, much better than it used to be. Triggered by some foods, also heat and humidity.

I m sure you know what you are talking about, but to my eyes they look as lot more like j's than I's.

Fun! We had "baby coffee" with our kids, too. But for some reason it was really mint tea.

Yes. Which kind I encourage, as it eats the brown recluses and so on.

I had a suicidal centipede the other day. I saved it from the sink where it had gotten rinsed with some plates. Set it on the counter to catch its breath. Suddenly it ran a distance of at least a foot and a half and leaped into the dishwater. I tried to find it in there. When I let the water out, it was in the drain plug, just like the first time. It wasn't quite full grown

I promise you that humans carried their babies before civilization.

Just hypothetically, if beings can hear your thoughts, then they are probably used to all the weird stuff people think, and they probably don't get fussed about it.

I remember this. Around 23-26. Somewhere in there I remember thinking differently .It's hard to describe, not exactly new thoughts, but perspective. I had a sense of how things were connected in both time and space. ( Like historical trends, in my life, societally.) And I was lined, hey, why haven't I thought like this before?