Did you ever start a conversation and after awhile with their responses feel jumbled? Like you start with a clear point but after awhile you don’t even know your point anymore but you still feel the emotions so you feel confused? Even after they apology?

God being an internet persona would suck. Everything you do or don’t post is so criticized and dissecte.

The way Key went and gave us all this for just two Japanese singles really shows how much love and care he has for fans and his own art. 

He could have just released the song and left it at that but he didn’t. 

The bass line and the tone of his voice on the chorus is so good. 

The shot of him dancing alone that intensely was beautiful and I hope we get more of it. 

He truly is the almighty Key. 

I didn’t say a criticism is hatred. 

I don’t think not knowing something is problematic outright. She’s just ignorant to it. Pretty much every person on the internet jumped on that and corrected her. I’ve seen so many lies about her go around that people don’t care about because she is the new young woman to hate. Then she will talk about a struggle she was going through this whole time and people will apologize then rinse and repeat. 

I didn’t say anything about a real fan. I’m saying if her outfit is inappropriate to you how do you handle Trixie and katya?

I think the author isn’t really interested in the romance aspect as much so I wouldn’t expect a lot of that. 

Spank Bottom

Being the number one guy on vanderpump is not really a full compliment especially where it came from.

I think most people assume he has gotten better since everyone says he has. The language around his drinking always seemed to me that his abuse and drinking went hand in hand. I know people that are only ever physically aggressive when drunk and once sober they are a different person. I assumed that was the case. Like James or not we just don’t know enough. 

To me she is still a kid. 

She isn’t wearing kids clothes with vulgar phrases. Why isn’t the second someone starts experimenting with their limits and sexuality at an age that is common to do that people get weird? There is no way you are a drag fan and find this inappropriate.

We have I think one more season and that’s it. If I remember right the author said it wouldn’t be much longer. 

I’m sorry but there are so many younger gays that don’t get or care about those before them. Is it a crazy thing to say? Of course. Does it make her problematic? No. 

Her relationship with James and Colleen isn’t something I know much about but as a child raised on YouTube it isn’t surprising that she would be close to some of these people. Should she defend them? No. Do I think that means she should get a shit ton of hate? No.

She’s a kid. If she wants to experiment with her style who cares? 

Spank Bottom
  1. Where did I say any of that?

  2. You asked why he doesn’t get the same heat and I explained why. 

  3. Since no one has come forward we don’t/wont ever really know much. I think until someone actually comes forward there is nothing anyone can do. 

Spank Bottom

I think because to the audience he hasnt done anything like that in recent years and everyone says he has changed so unless victims come forward with proof I doubt anything will change. 

Spank Bottom

The way he ran always makes me laugh. 

Also him admitting to stealing the recording….gold.

Spank Bottom

Even if she isn’t living there her name is still on the mortgage so it wouldn’t matter. 

Spank Bottom

“ , but certainly capitalized off the Sandoval bashing. She took it to an obsessive level honestly”

Be serious. 

So if she has been playing the guitar since she was 10 then that means her career started at ten? 

Also if I’m linking things outside of my words how is that a lie. 

Her first album was released in 2006. So not a 20 or over 20 year career yet. 

I said it was in the news I don’t know what local news you watch so I can’t tell you if it was. I just know what I see and people told me that live down there. 

I never said put her on a pedestal and treat her like a goddess. I am not even saying she is the best artist of all time. I’m saying she has accomplished an insane amount of things. I said these things are the reason I feel comfortable calling her a phenomenon. Things that you don’t have an awareness of. The conversation has been me trying to explain that the level of impact it’s had since it’s rarely seen.

From the definition you provided. I would consider this tour to be a remarkable thing. So yeah I don’t think it’s unreasonable to call her a phenomenon. 

2.  a remarkable person, thing, or event. "the band was a pop phenomenon just for their sales figures alone"

It’s not been 20 years…and no news….

This is going nowhere. I don’t mean that in a you won’t agree with me way but just I keep showing you things and you keep getting them wrong. Have a good day/night. 

Just because you don’t see it doesn’t make it untrue. I doubt you care to learn about what I mean when I say the impact it has had but here you go.


She also played for almost 300,000 people in Melbourne when she was there. It was the most attended female concert of the decade. She was the first female to headline there since Madonna in 1993. The university at Melbourne held a symposium to discuss her impact. There was a literal media frenzy about her going to see animals in Sydney. Melbourne had  events to celebrate her. I know because I know people in Melbourne that went to see her there. Its silly to act like only people in the us care about her when she is selling out stadiums globally. 

Using a subreddit to gauge if someone is famous is laughable at best. 

I don’t really get your point. I didn’t say greatest of all time. You don’t think she is a phenomenon. I do because of the impact of her tours and music. 

You disagree that’s it. Like I said that doesn’t mean I’m being ridiculous just because you don’t agree. It just means you don’t agree. 

Your last paragraph is just factually untrue. You might not pay attention but Lover and Midnights both outcharted as singles anything from 1989. Most her recent albums have outscored 1989. 

She isn’t at over 20 years. She has been able to maintain steady growth in a way few other artists have been able to. It’s weird to try and dismiss that being able to break records this long into her career in an industry that really likes to replace artists. Even she expected Lover to be her last chance at having her peak and expected her career to die down because everyone told her that. 

Like I said it’s silly to act like her talent and hard work is a debatable thing. It can be not to your taste but that doesn’t make it less real. You don’t go this far for this long on being mediocre. 

I’m not downvoting you. 

I just personally think when you are breaking records at the level she is it’s not insane to call her a phenomenon. I don’t know many artists who can create the ripples she does with her touring. You can disagree I guess but it doesnt mean I’m being unreasonable. It just means you don’t agree. 

She’s been doing concerts for long enough that if she was a bad or boring performer she wouldn’t be at the level of demand she is and has been for awhile. 

There are plenty of artists I don’t really care for but I don’t feel the need to attack their work.