
Have you read the Halo novels? The original idea was for the spartans to steal a covenant vessel, take it back to high charity and blow it up.  

 It's a similar premise, but Bungie borrowed the concept from Marathon, an earlier game they made.  

 Read through the first three Halo novels and Contact Harvest to get an idea of tone, direction and how it's set up, if you want to make it different. 

Yeah well, Facebook keeps re-appearing on my phone, no matter how many times I delete it. What do you call that!?

Also ffs, seriously. If anyone's knowledgeable in IT, how do you prevent this from happening? This is spyware at this point. 

The egg lady resets every time you come in/out of magnolia town map. What I'd do instead: 

-leave Pokemon center. -save. -buy eggs. -hatch. 

If they're not the species you want, reload the save, enter/exit again, repeat. 

You know what you need to do. You need to find the girlfriends and fuck them. Or, y'know, go nuclear and reveal everything if that'd work, provided you're in a safe place to do so. 

But for real, you need a divorce lawyer. Now would be a wonderful time to get your documents together, separate your finances. I just read through your other posts and it honestly sounds to me like your wife is kind of abusing you. 

Think about it this way, if she's hiding this from you, what else is she hiding? 

My fantasy project devolves into a sci-fi nightmare. I love mashing things like that together!

Street name checks out! 

Seriously though, if enough people call and send emails, they may be required by law to fix it. 

Next time wash your hands! But if you didn't notice any itching/burning or a possible chemical/allergic reaction, you should be just fine. 

Nah. Just wipe everything down real well, soap and water should be fine. It's toxic, but your food prep surfaces should ideally be non-porous. 

Absolutely possible! The most important part is that everybody gets some!

My guess would be vertices collapsing on themselves to make an ngon at a certain scale?

Just out of curiosity, how will you cast Eldritch blast? Lmao

Im just joking... Or am I???

In all seriousness, I'm sure it could work. Stranger things have happened. I mean, if you get a doll with both genitals, everybody gets something I guess. 

Also, it's not like a penis is the only thing a cis guy has at his disposal. Like, mouth on one, bits on another, you know? First thing that came to mind was like a sex doll sandwich. Someone else mentioned pegging. 

What I told the other person was, your fun in the bedroom is only limited by your imagination! 


My mind immediately went to stacking one on top of the other like a sex doll sandwich? Like, you could go back and forth between both of them, right? If it happens to be a futa doll, I guess everybody gets something? 

 Or pegging. I guess that also works. Also, it's not like a dick is the only thing a cis guy has. Presumably, he also has a mouth and hands to keep a partner satisfied with. 

 Your fun in the bedroom is limited by your imagination! 

Right? Like... OP could've had a possible three way with the doll. 

If you're gonna doxx him with evidence, he'll know. Best to play some 4D political chess and get them removed from their positions if you're really serious. 

Question for you Spanish speakers, how do you say "burn", as in, "giving someone a proper verbal roasting"? 

I started a debate in Spanish in like 3 kitchens with this. Peru, Guatemala, Mexico, Venezuela, Columbia and Puerto Rico all have different dialects for this but nobody could agree or come up with a word. I have a hard time believing there is no word in Spanish for this. 

We say "claro", although FOH is always confused about the difference between "claro" and "claro que si". Sometimes it's "listo" when we finish a ticket. 

Give examples of these? They're pretty broad economic policies. 

You know what'll really help your sister get her act together like a well-adjusted adult? 

Facing the consequences of her actions. She won't learn a damn thing otherwise. 

You know what you need to do. Consult a lawyer if you have to, report the identity theft. You have to look out for yourself, fuck the family. 

You know how much I've been misgendered for being a butch tomboy? Generally, I wish people didn't care about what I choose to wear. Now I get the opposite problem, when I dress femme I get shitty transphobes complimenting me on how some outfits are "pretty and feminine, as a woman should be". To those folks I say, "oh, I look great with a beard, too. Next time I throw on drag, I'll do it just for you."

There is just no fucking winning, no feeling comfortable in everything because someone will insert their shitty opinion.

Some folks don't mind it, sure. My ex was one of those, leaned into it, and decided he liked the "he/him" folks were giving him. 

Think about it this way. Everyone has the freedom now to wear pants, be bitch, masc or femme. The next step is to be respected as one's chosen identity, regardless of what the hell they're wearing. You look at all these extra steps and think, "these are regressive, they're not necessary!" But I ask you, do you have any goddamn idea how hard it is to train the general public on a behavioral change? Even in regards to one person's preferences?

"Treating people equally" and "treating trans people with respect" are often two different things, and the folks who are new to these concepts often need practice before they can do both at the same time. 

The "social transition" is really about teaching the kids to advocate for themselves and be assertive in situations where they don't feel respected.

I mean, nothing says you can't have a special shower crown, saran-wrapped or something to keep it waterproof. 

Does it have to be a paper crown? Or would an identical-yet-stronger replica 3D printed crown work just fine? If so, special shower crown it is! Give it enough time, someone'll make a gold-plated version for the lulz. 

Honestly, never hurts to be prepared. I've learned since COVID that the supply chain breaks at the drop of a hat now. 

And then we learn that if you do shoot Keyes in the head immediately, you get locked on the bridge and have to fight waves of Marines. 

"The chief has gone rogue!"

Lmao, it would be, wouldn't it? There's a good reason why the two characters with access to this are a villain, and a reformed former villain with no delusions of grandeur. 

 In the previous version, there was absolutely zero drawback to use of that power. But in the current version, the drawbacks are mental taxing and a temporary loss of humanity. Feral rage and all that. Gotta balance it somehow. 

To that end, the only thing stopping my MCs from becoming soup is the fact that theyre more useful to the villains alive. Dead people can't be tricked into doing your bidding. 

Magic is handled with a lot of care and consideration in my world. But on the off chance I make one, a big question I ask is, "would this be Overpowered in 5e?". Cause if it is, I know damn well it's too much for my setting. 

Examples of magic objects I've made and given to my most powerful characters: 

-an unbreakable, ever-sharp sword

-a weapon resistant to fire (wielded by a pyro)

-a plot device that acts as a beacon, so my characters can be "grabbed" from any location (it works one-way and cannot be used to communicate)

-a cloak of semi-invisibility

-an object that contains a demon

-a cloak that turns into bird wings that allow gliding

But I also have spells that would be Overpowered in 5e, such as a magic that causes an opponent to explode in a bloody, gory mess. It's all about balance!