Dana is in Vegas because there’s a big PPV this weekend.

I don’t have one right now, but I would buy. I like it when I was in high school 20 years ago.🤷🏻‍♂️

They did a 100 minute previews for a few days.

For the month? I’m tempted to get the year to enter the raffle for the 3 main Event seats they’re raffling off

I’m doing my part. I haven’t gone to a game since 2011 maybe. It’s too expensive. I could afford it, but fuck the FMF.

I don’t believe them when they’re #2 seed, so I can’t trust this garbage “rankings “

The Busy World of Richard Scarey Euraka’s Castle Franklin Rupert Little Bear

Max looks like he’ll yell out, “ hey, you guys!”

Did you just learn about StockX before buying this pair? You’re lucky it was only a pair of adidas. I’m thinking you got this pair under retail?

Do they mark them up there?

I saw Superbad in the theaters when I was 19. Good times. I think I might’ve seen it 2-3 times.

I know a lot of people hate on so many AJ1 low Travis colabs, but I usually like all of them. I’d buy any for retail if I could. These I could live without. I rather have the neutral grey 85 lows.

It worked out great for Cody. I remember before he left WWE he was just Stardust hissing into people’s faces. Now he’s the face of the company.

If you have a positive ROI on live tournaments, just keep playing there.

Your local shop Benjamin’s didn’t have these?

The YouTube stream isn’t that bad. I haven’t paid for Poker go this year. I might add on the poker go channel on my YouTube TV for $13 if they stream the Main on that channel .


There are 109,000 cities and towns in the United States. 780 have 50,000 people or more. 336 have over 100,000 or more, so Laredo’s ranking could be worse.

I think he talked about it in his vlog today. He wasn’t going to play it, but he was still setting up some kind of stake % for people to buy in to.

I get a few gifts here and there, but my wife gets spoiled a lot. More than whatever amount you’re worried about now. She even got a bottle of whiskey once, and she doesn’t even drink 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️