Car on fire after an accident with a woman passed out in the front seat and people burning their hands trying to break her free… she survived, but the unborn baby she was carrying and her two kids in the back did not

I’m Leo Sun, Gemini moon, Gemini rising… that shit is exhausting enough.. how do you do it?

Anxious Preoccupied

Mod, I hope I did not violate terms, I feel this info may be useful to the post

Anxious Preoccupied

To OP and commenters… this breaks my heart as someone who was ghosted/discarded by a DA. I know in his soul he is a good person who just got completely overwhelmed and it just piled on top over time, and I know he knows I didn’t deserve that. I assume there’s no good reason why he can’t/doesn’t reach out to me, aside from what you guys have said. And honestly… nothing would mean more than if he tried, just to clear the air for both of us- no expectations otherwise attached.

Yes, I’m AP… but I stopped chasing him to give him the space he obviously needed, and he never came back. I seriously hope he doesn’t think I abandoned him in no longer chasing… cuz not a day goes by that I don’t think of him either and I would love nothing more just to talk to him- even about nothing. But he was the one that left, so I’m leaving it up to him to be the one to reconnect- however that’s meant to be.

Not sure if this helps you at all, but we never know how the other side feels until we try.

I’m Gemini moon and rising… Is this retrograde supposed to affect us specially in some way? And why?

Hate to discourage you, but I’m 14 months in and still don’t know and feel the same way. My breakup didn’t have closure so I think that makes it prolonged. (Yes, I’m aware “closure” has to come from within… still not sure how to get there with it though.)

Trying all the things just like you are. I guess only indefinite time…. One day at a time.

Of course! And I was obsessed with the Lion King cuz he was the voice of Simba!!

Leo here, dated one 3.5 years… highest of highs and lowest of lows sums it up

Mostly emotionally unavailable, heartbroken person here… recently found another in a same boat. Told him straight up I want no relationship, I am not in the best place, I am not far enough away from my past or completely over my ex… he’s in an very similar mindset. We’ve come to a place where we are friends with benefits with no expectations or confines and are helping each other build ourselves back up and move forward. We have deep talks about our exes/our traumas, workout together, enjoy each other’s company in general. He is not for me, as no one is for me right now while I continue to heal and sort my shit out… buuuuut… damn… to have someone in my corner to motivate me and vent to and be 100% transparent with and help build me up and get physical affection from has helped tremendously. Teaching me to live in the moment, and every day that passes is a day further away from my ex, so at least the time is going by.

Maybe it will turn bad at some point, idk, but that’s the beauty of this situation, I hold no stock in anything more, and putting that out there allows me the much needed control of not getting shattered again, but also not feeling like an ass or I’m taking advantage of a situation because it is all on the table. And he is free to live his life and we both understand the possibility of the “what-ifs” if our exes come back… it all is what it is til it isn’t.

Find a break-up buddy, if you can. And I don’t mean that in a “get under someone else to get over your ex” kinda way… sex has been the last thing on my mind. Just someone who you can be 100% real with but not fully sacrifice your life to while you grow. Good shit.

Laugh cries as a Leo with heart broken by an Aquarius

…the deeper the connection, the harder the disconnect

That the person I loved deeply for 3+ years, whom I believed loved me deeply as well, couldn’t respect me enough to talk to me, broke up with me via text message after ghosting me, came back around and sent me confusing breadcrumbs before going AWOL again, and can just move on with his life without a single concern to reach out and see how I’m doing. This person that I believed cared about me so much… just unilaterally decided to not be in each other’s lives anymore and abandoned me.

That at any time, he could’ve come to me in person and said, “I love you and care about you but I need x/y/z”, and I would’ve let him go with peace of mind and love in my heart for him to do what was best for him and that it could’ve ended in compassion and not confusion and devastation.

That I still believe despite all this there is a good person inside him, but ultimately a broken person, and that I still have compassion for that broken person because I know he has the potential to be such an amazing human being, and that I’ve witnessed it, and that that person is likely never coming back. Not to me, at least.

That maybe he will always be broken and never fix it and heal from his traumas and that he will perpetuate this cycle and continue to hurt and more people will suffer the way I have and they will become part of the collateral damage.

That I hurt twice as much, for the hurt he doesn’t allow himself to feel.

That I still love him but I have to move on… even though I don’t want to.

Leo sun, Gemini moon, Gemini rising…

I want all the love and attention but my mind never stops overanalyzing what it all is and means and what to do

Took awhile to find this one… someone finally said it

Darrell because he’s just an amazing person all around but Devin because he’s sassy and witty and I love that banter