I have brown eyes and I can almost always see perfectly good in the dark

Real question: why is he only circumcised this late in life? Even my Islamic friends have all been circumcised as babies?

(Jews are supposed to be circumcised at 8 days and Muslims at the age of 7 or 13, however all the Muslims I know have been circumcised at 7 or 8 days)

That’s an incredible transformation

I can also see from the size of your face that you’ve done a lot of weight loss so also congrats on that as well

This shit is straight out a cult

Like really read it and tell me how is this different to what a cult tells to its people. It has everything, from “every single one of us is a victim of what ‘they’ do” to “deny anything that doesn’t paint us in a good light” to “‘they’ are evil we are the only ones you can trust”.

Read this and replace “Zionists” with the word “they” and you’ll see what I mean

Helgen survivor

I almost always end up going dual wield war axe and dagger, or a shadow wizard (sneak + magic (also an enchanted dagger for the sneak)

Mabua, (מבוע )

It means lake (Agam is used way more often but this is why I think it’d be a unique one)

Also my second cousin is named mabua

Why did they shoot a peaceful protestor?

I mean half of these are jokes but still crazy that it’s hard to tell who’s joking and who’s not

Helgen survivor

It has to be on a way that can lead to high rock (due to what the horse thief says in the beginning.

Probably the border with hammerfell near Falkreath


אחי התקשרתי אליהם היום לדחות את הצו ראשון והייתי חייב לחכות איזה 10 דקות רק בשביל שההודעה המוקלטת תפסיק לדבר על איזה פסטיבל כזה ושאני אוכל להגיע לחלק של ההודעה שבה אומרים לי איזה מספר ללחוץ בשביל לחכות עד שיענה לי נציג

זה היה הזוי


אנוכי הולך לבית הכבוד

(רציני בית הכבוד זה מילה נרדפת לשירותים)


אחי צ׳א זה לא הברה אחת? (צאבטב לא צבאטב)


שווארמה ב64?

I mean his versions of other peoples songs does add verity for like clubs and whatnot but to be honest he’s not a lot more than that

His beats definitely carry him in all of his own songs cuz his voice and lines are dogshit


איזה סדרה הוא היה?