I usually collect them over a week, week and a half in the fridge

Ice then down when you bring then in . Helps preserve them

Edit I have a number of cukes holding in a ice water bath

Canning is cool but refrigerator pickles rule for taste and crispness

Lol, dirt bike bears attack! Thanks, love a good post apocalyptic story. The mini ice age is a real life version. Thank God it happened when there were less people and they were more self sufficient. Some other post books I've liked, Earth Abides (disease) 1949, Alas Babylon (nuclear direct strike) 1959, One Second After (EPM) 2009. Earth Abides doesn't really apply to any kind of plan because the majority of people die but Alas Babylon and One Second After really lean on mutual aid. Which I like

Totally screwed. Give me your address and I'll haul it off for. J/k I don't see an issue. Use as is

I'm otp. Used to plan on heading an hour south to my folks. But my fascist nephew moved in with them. Almost still want to go there and pretend to agree. Just to fuck the right wingers up but I'm worried about what it would take to prove I'm one of them. Bugging in is almost always the smartest thing to do

From left to right Black From Tula, Chef's Choice Yellow, Anna Russian, and lemon boy


One plus for using big concrete wire cages is they attract birds. Birds love to land on my cages and eat bugs. I've heard of birds munching on tomatoes but I've never experienced any damage, that I know of

Chinese factory boss, "What are we going to do with all these extra patches? Fuck it, just put them on everything. Americans love their patches."

Like it or not GMO's are likely the future. Non-organic fertilizers boosted food production 30% , I think that was the number, post WW1. At a crucial time due to population growth.

We're getting to the point again with population growth and soil depletion. Something will have to give. Whether it's better crop management, better logistics (moving food more efficiently to the have nots) or GMO's time will tell. But it seems a lot of governments are leaning towards GMO's. As that is were the money is

Looking at you Indigo Rose

They are hard to keep up with. They go from gherkin to huge dill sized seemingly overnight

Starmer looks like James Corden's dad. It would explain Corden's douchines

Norm Lubow Bastard or Ass?

he is the former Jerry Springer producer who "helped" the alleged Trump rape victim. If Katie Johnson actually exists then this guy turned her lawsuit into such a clown show she will never get any kind of justice. If she doesn't exist then this POS cast doubt on every girl Trump assaulted in an effort to enrich himself. From involving then squabbling with the NeverTrumper, Steve Baer. And along with Baer aggressively marketing the interview video for $1 million. To only allowing one confusing facetime interview. Never mind, he never allowed contact with two witnesses who may or may not exist. Lublow was only out for himself. He describes himself as a pot smoker and revolutionary thinker. Combined with all the other BS this jackass deserves at the very least to meet a super soaker full of piss

I put my propane one on the street. To be fair it was an old as Weber Spirit. Now I have a Weber Performer and a 1 1/2 gallon deep fryer in addition to my Blackstone.

Nice! I've been wanting to upgrade to that model!

There's a reason no news agency have ran with this story. It was part of a BS civil suit convicted by a former Jerry Springer producer, Norm Lublow. No news agency spoke to the witnesses. One spoke to the "plaintive" which the reporter said was bizarre. And the day Jane Doe was to talk to the press she no showed.

Lublow also has a history of dubious claims about celebrities in trouble. And he tried to sale this story $1mil. Trump is bad enough without this likely false allegation. If anything it gives Trump cover for his actual relationship with Epstein because he can try to lump in the real fucked up shit with this BS claim. And call it all BS

So in conclusion FUCK Norm Lublow for being a sleazy POS. And fuck you Donald Trump you deserve to be dropped down the Kola Superdeep Borehole. For the real shit you have done

Just be aware pest and disease compound year over year. The more you garden in one spot the more bad things build. Doesn't sound like you will have issues from commercial agriculture nearby. But just be proactive on pest and disease management