Yep, I was teaching back then. It was already a problem, when only a few kids had flip or candy bar phones.

At first, you were able to send kid to office or confiscate. Then, you could set it on your desk. Then you asked them to put it away. Then you couldn’t do anything but try and call the parent.

Next, schools tried to ignore them or embrace them by adapting them into the curriculum.

Then smartphones entered the arena…

Check the air and water quality at your residence. Check your heating, AC and any gas supplies. If you have attached walls, check for any shared water/gas/utilities. Check clearance near air vents and ductwork. Look for mold, older pipes, etc.

You can have your home tested for air and water quality.

This doesn’t sound like a diet issue at all.

Ask your mom if she’s OK? This is the perfect situation to take control by turning it all around back on her.

She seems to be projecting…

You’ve explained why many people don’t save $ for their future.

But, odds are, you’ll retire and live on for a while. With little $ and poor health it sounds like a bad way to age and die.

For me, started age 11 or so, peaked in 20’s, eased up in 30’s and fluctuated since.

Had therapy in 30’s and later too.

Symptoms mostly gone in 60’s. But brain stills imagines threats, while conscious mind has better ability to laugh or turn it off.

Clorox is a long established company/brand and was a more singular leading household product in the old days, and synonymous w bleach. Showing my age…

Mostly whole foods and plant based? It’s an option. Tofu, tempeh, seitan, edamame, whole grains (wheat berries, oatmeal, etc.), nuts, seeds, beans/pulses, lentils. Greek yogurt, sardines, tuna.

And enjoy fruit and vegetables of liking.

Small screens (phones) are probably a bigger worry. As is frequency and time of use.

If you’re always on yours in front of your kids, or always sticking a phone in your kids hands, or letting your kids use a phone 24//7; doesn’t seem great.

Really old people (like me) watched TV a lot. But it was one family TV, 3-6 channels, black and white image, and all channels shut down at midnight.

Anger, arguing, caring what other’s think, constantly trying to keep up w the Jones’s.

I thought the joke was “plant based” Clorox…originally named fr Chlorine + Sodium Hydroxide.

The older I get, the more I’m comfortable in my own skin, and going anywhere entirely solo is great.

No one thinks about a stranger for longer than a few seconds. And all they can do is guess.

Hang in there. It will get easier. You’re playing a long game and you’re in the first inning.

My left ear has never fit fantastic, but otherwise I like the sound, and several years in no problems w anything.

The lightweight case is always a funny complaint. It’s mental. It has no adverse effect on durability or quality.

We’re about to find out how much distraction, stress; psychology comes into consistently ramming it between the goal posts.

It really was. Billy was new on the radio…Captain Jack.

He almost stole the show, but Harry and the band were awesome!

I recently gave up protein bars like this. And I reserve them for wilderness backpacking, and stuff like that.

I find that they’re a little too convenient and easy to over consume, otherwise.

I’ve switched to a half a dose of plant protein powder w greens, clean almond milk, water, flax and spices.

I still find the bars and most powders too salty and sweet, though.

Wheat berries, sorghum, buckwheat, oatmeal, barley, whole wheat pasta, bulgar, couscous, brown rice, red cargo rice. I use them all.

I’ve been on Diltiazem for 20+ years and minor constipation has been only side effect if any.

She’s great, but I recall her always having a cigarette nearby.

Hope she gave up the nasty habit.

Energy, improved clarity/mood, better exercise recovery, weight loss and easier maintenance of weight.

Sweet potatoes and other root vegetables. I peel and then mash them up after cooking and I like to add pistachios or other nuts.

Frozen: berries, mangoes, other tropical fruit mixes. Hulled edamame (frozen). Super extra firm tofu. Bags of frozen vegetables. Boiling water or steaming can make all the veggies palatable.

None of above is processed per se and all are single ingredient.

Yes. But fr an individual standpoint, you may need to move/go where the jobs are, retrain, reinvent yourself, go back to school, change careers, even take a pay cut.

IOW, a resilient and stick-to-it-ness attitude and outlook are key.

While I was highly educated and pretty well paid, I had three distinct careers. Also, I had two layoffs/RIFs, one return to school, and three separate cuts in pay in the process.

I recovered fr each incident. I moved/relocated to where the jobs were, as required. Sometimes 1,000 miles or more away.