The whiter the plumage of a kahu/hawk, the older the bird is. This is a distinguished bird!

That depends. Do the numbers in your chart represent the number of standard drinks you've consumed, or bottles of wine?

Start with a good trustworthy GP who can refer you to the right specialist if needed

Tipping the Velvet was going to be my suggestion, but since you don't like too much sex in your books, this might not be your cup of tea...

He likes to bully people and by all accounts, he's pretty good at it

What the hell is wrong with you? Why would you film this cow in distress, trying not to drown, and make those noises? Did you try to help it? Call your local council or animal rescue??

Where is this location? This cow needs saving

Truly unbelievably boring football. England is just so dull to watch

My god. Papyrus would have been a better choice over this knockoff comic sans font.

This is such shit news. This government's hatred for anything relating to our environment, indigenous wildlife, and the realities of climate change are so depressing.

Their marketing approach to explaining why their goods are expensive but made in India and Vietnam was... interesting

Just like people have mixed experiences with the district courts, mileage may vary with the Disputes Tribunal.

The key to being successful as an applicant is to being highly organised with copies of everything relevant in chronological order. Putting in the effort to make your case as easy as possible for the adjudicator to follow is important, and they appreciate it.

If the ruling goes in your favour and the respondent is ordered to pay you, and don't, then you can go through the district court to get them to enforce the order.

Reading through the DT rulings published can be helpful to get a sense of what to expect, and you may find some rulings on similar circumstances to your own:

Another thing to research is garnishee proceedings if the respondent refuses to pay garnishee proceedings

What is it with Reece and Lauren James and being stupidly violent in matches?

Buy UV anti-bird strike stickers to prevent this from happening again. They're cheap and effective

Navstar requires access to all photos and videos in order to access this feature. Seems unnecessary and suss

So stoked to hear this! I had wondered whether you liked it. Happy it worked out for you!

Spiders are like in-home security guards from other bugs like mosquitos. Keep them around, unless they're white tails.

Might be an ingrown hair. Ask your vet to be sure

Really awesome effort, congrats!

Ha that just sent me down a rabbit hole! I know of some ancestors who were from Cóig Peighinnean - not too far away 😬

Thanks! I've always wanted to go to the outer Hebrides and was happy to see it appear on my profile. I didn't get any close groups for Scotland on My Heritage