I'm in Marietta Square.

Packed wall to wall, cheek to cheek, flag to flag

Grumpy Cat


Wants to live a quiet life


Wants to live a quiet life

I would, but they're all dead losers

Sure they did, but Martha's oregano stash was found by the Feds, so they burned her for witchcraft.

Grumpy Cat

The Cardassian Empire

I understand. It's hot as hades. Wake me and the pup up in August.


Rotisserie chicken, but fried will do

Too afraid to ask:

Patriotism, to me, is antithetical to nationalism. Tyrants who stomp on our constitution and threaten our neighbors may clothe themselves in our flag, let it burn their skin like holy water. This is our nation, not theirs.

Weren't they just wood and reflective tape in the 70s? A little hand drawn post production? Looked fine to me

Eating red beans and rice might get her better results

Chest booty is blessed booty

A woman of culture, I see

Is this the point YouTube critics will say Acolyte is actually anti-woke sigma fan grindset that Disney doesn't want you to watch?

Any religion that allows child marriage needs to go.

Especially what's going on in Oklahoma.