It'll be something they remember forever, especially if they're converted to lifelong fans.

Ducati said its currently not on the table, but to ask them closer to the end of the year

He doesn't want to go there, its either Factory Ducati or stay at Gresini, and he wants the GP25.

Was rumors the rider coach basically called Marc a cheat during the rossi v marc era.

Reliability concerns.. they're only allowed 7 engines per season before they get a penalty.

Teams with concessions are allowed 9.

The bikes need to last 4, so if they cranked them up all the time, they may only last 2 before they go bang.

Aero has made the bikes safer

Agreed.. its definitely a power circuit, and wouldn't be surprised if Ducati turned their bikes up all the way to secure their home victory.

Think a guy named Epstein had this arrangement

Yeah, it'd be a bad look for future riders.

But as the Ceo, he also sees the value of having MM on a GP25.. id say they are working pretty hard on getting the GP25 to Marc.. but that involves Nadia, Campinotti and Marcs sponsors to all come to the table and agree on something.

Thats what they did.

The official announcement was Acosta signs a new multi year deal with Perrier Mobility Group, and will ride a KTM.

Who are the stewards?

Shouldn't they be ex racers or other FIM experts?

Negative, they, like Redbull Racing have all riders signed at KTM, just where they sit is decided by management.

That's not him fading, thats him bringing it home.

Since then, they have switched strategies to save tyres and attack at the end. Franki spoke about it on his Twitter

They said

Can I answer at the end of the year? Because, to be honest, we don’t know. We want to focus on this race, this weekend. We still don’t know, to be honest. At this moment, this kind of option is not on the table.

So it'd be how much money can Nadia and Marc get from Sponsors for that bike.

This would be epic, winning a championship for Marc, but also on a year old bike.

Itd take Pecco and Martin crashing in a few races.. perhaps both of them taking each other out from P1/P2 to allow Marc to win from P3. But Marc definitely needs some P1s to jump up the championship points

No he hasn't, did you not see him joking around with Paolo?

Contracts, and id say Pramac would try and block it. Even though they don't have a signed solid rider just yet... unless they can Enea, they have 2 wasted gp25s so far