Just be careful about dropping it. It is without a doubt low quality glass with a price like this, however that does not mean it is unusable. It will break very easy if you are not careful, and it's usually not just a couple pieces of glass when it does break.

Off topic post but to clarify boar are an invasive species in America and ruin the local ecosystems. What was the point of this post?

I've been replaying pokemon mystery dungeon: explorers of sky on an emulator. It's a lot more difficult then a traditional pokemon game, but still provides a nice story and has one of the best soundtracks I've ever heard.

So if it isn't alcohol, what is it? Just flavored water and thc ?

They gotta adjust to their new environment. It'll perk up in a few weeks as long as you keep the current conditions right.

If there was a hijack option for vehicles (similar to how halo does it) then this season wouldn't be nearly as unbearable. It just sucks there's no good counters when you don't have a car yourself.

Game breaking bugs like this should have the servers temporarily shut down until its patched. The fact it's been in 3 days now is ridiculous.

Why do you talk about yourself in third person when your post history clearly states that you are the seller? That's suspicious as fuck and I'd advise anyone to deal with caution.

Wouldn't be surprised if it's a scam or bait and switch.

Your "friend" was in on it

Surprise, surprise anything that contains polyester is made of microplastics. Most clothing is a mixture of polyester and cotton.

You should be happy you didn't get perm banned which is what the automated system would do if it could actually detect macroing effectively. Accept your punishment and move on knowing you got let off easy this time.

It's not when you post about it to social media which is exactly what you're doing here. It's called plausible deniability.

:tot: Totodile

There's an option in SkyTemple Randomizer to increase/decrease the chances of monster houses. You can turn off most of the randomization settings and just mess with some of the RNG settings.

:tot: Totodile

Mine was named the stupid pool. Just got past the hot springs yesterday.

Any type of Incline cardio exercise is the best EHP method you can do IRL. More calories burnt in a shorter amount of time. No xp waste

What is that beautiful cactus next to the begonia? The hot pink flowers caught my eye in an instant.

What about a toggle between the two that can only be switched every 24 hrs ?

Legalize all drugs and free all nonviolent drug offenders from prison

Buy some ginger to snack on while you come up on your next trip. You've probably seen this mentioned before but it really does work to combat nausea.

More like modern internet is a Waterpark where most of the rides use piss instead of water, half of them are broken once you get on them, and the other half are another Verrukt incident waiting to happen.

That 20% is the motivation to finish the track

I agree with this sentiment but I don't think it should discourage anyone from trying. The internet has caused almost all niches to become saturated but that also means more potential eyes. I think there's no better time then ever to get into making music given the amount of tools and tutorials available for free online.

They came up with the mascot first and didn't think Southside Semen rolled off the tongue as well