Welcome to Don't Forget the Spoon Reddit!General Discussion

Don't Forget the Spoon is a lighterpack alternative that not only focuses on tracking pack weight to lighten your pack but also has these unique features:

  • Designed for both Android and iPhone so you can take your packs with you anywhere!
  • Mark items as "packed" to make sure you don't forget anything on your next hiking or backpacking adventure
  • Search a constantly growing gear database
  • Track calories for food in your pack and get estimates for the number of days of food
  • One click find lighter items

Download the app from the Google Play Store for Android or the Apple iOS Store.

Leave feedback on this subreddit or you can reach out on my blog/forum Ten Digit Grid, or find us on Discord.








6/2/2024 Update: More login options! App Updates

Another small update going out to the app stores for approval.

You can now create a user account with any email address. Personally I prefer Google and Apple logins but a few individuals wanted to create accounts and sign in with other email address. That is now an option. Just tap the “Other Email Address” text under the Apple Login.

It may be a day or two before its live for everyone.


Yup it's awful. Basically stopped using this feature. Monarch needs to do some serious work on it.

If you need ideas for gear and load outs for different trips check out Don't Forget The Spoon it's a mobile app for planning out your pack. Will analyze your pack and make suggestions on items you may be missing. It also allows you to check out other people's packs to see what they are bringing for planning inspiration.

6/1/2025 Update: Rounding Bug Fix on Lighter Gear Recommendations App Updates

Super small bug fix pushed out yesterday for both Android and iOS. Related to the previous bug fix I pushed out due to some rounding errors, I didn't update the find lighter gear options view. Now the lighter gear option page has been fixed.


You can check out my last Packing list for a two night Backcountry snowshoe camping trip here.

I use Don't Forget The Spoon mobile app. It will track food calories and analyze your pack and suggest items that you may have forgotten to pack.

I dable in Flutter. Definitely not an expert but love building on the side for fun.

Yup, but I recently got a glass one so super easy to clean :-)

Totally agree. But in a pinch I dont mind trusting another person's weight of an item.

Totally agree. But in a pinch I dont mind trusting another person's weight of an item.

I actually built a mobile app to make this easier. I have all my gear in a digital "gear locker" and can quickly build different packs on the fly. It also crowds sources gear info so if I buy new gear, chances are I don't have to weigh it and can find it in the community database.

Cactus to Clouds 22ish miles with 11k elevation gain. Arguably one of the toughest one day hikes in the United States.

No worries, sorry for the confusion

The web version is still new and in beta. There are some limitations at this time which prevent image uploads on the web.

I need to add feedback to users still. But that's why there is no mention of the web version in my documentation yet.

If you are going to make a spreadsheet check out Don't Forget The Spoon it's a mobile app for planning your pack. Will help you analyze weight, food calories and let you know if you are forgetting anything.

Was thinking about this more. The app is mostly free. What features from the paid version are you missing most as a non subscriber?

Update is live in iOS, waiting for Android approval, but should be live in the Android app store by tomorrow.

Update 27 May 2024: New Color Legends added to Weather CardsApp Updates

Some feedback that I keep getting from users is that they wanted a color legend at the bottom of the weather cards. In the latest version I have added these to help visualize what you are seeing in the colored squared.

The legends are noe enabled by default but can be toggled off in the settings. Or you can tap the DFTW icon in the top left to enable/disable as well.


30L might be kind of tight unless you have a lot of Ultralight gear. Also depens on where you will be on the PCT. Will you need a bear canister?


You could say I am just getting into time lapse. This is one of my favorites I have done: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CgXIUJuloap/?igsh=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==

I recently did another of half dome in Yosemite at night in mid April. Still need to finish editing and upload.

Yea unfortunately the weather api is expensive. I am losing money monthly at this point


I am a Sony Alpha Hiker as well! Maybe I should create a subreddit called Sony Alpha Hikers 😂.

Not ultralight but here is my day hike setup: https://dfts.app/#?id=b7l5krI3nK28RR1zx0pm