Erewhon bookstore?Local history

Hey Edmontonians, does anyone have any info on/remember "Erewhon Books", which was an anarchist bookstore back in like 1981? Can only find this "" on the web and I'm not sure it's even accurate.

Bulk wakame (dried seaweed?)
Reddit removed post

For OP, I would take the story of the Rogers Centre and Ice District in Edmonton as a cautionary tale if you wanna go this route. Not saying it's an inherently bad idea, just saying that it needs to be executed with lots of thought put into it.

Plastic water bottles look really ... What is the opposite of classy? In addition to all the plastic waste lol. I second the recommendation for clear glass dispensers you can fill with ice and fruit/veg or something fancy. Way more suitable for a wedding!

Honestly just depends where you live in the city and where you need to go. I used to live near downtown and lived very comfortably without a car; used the Communauto carshare if I absolutely needed it, and it was great.

There is no respect for cyclists, sadly. There's "good" bike infrastructure in a few places downtown and that's it.

Username checks out

Yeah they make my teeth hurt and my enamel needs the fluoride. Can't find any tabs that have fluoride in them; apparently people in Canada are very protective of precious bodily fluids or whatever the rationale is.

They look stunning!!

Apparently there are supply chain issues with fresh flowers right now due to COVID / crop failure / climate change /lots of weddings planned for 2023 in general and I am very glad that's just not one more thing for my anxious mind to fixate on...

Mid-October 2022; it's too early to call shots and I'm in Canada and the venue is a university arboretum - so basically if they decide to be cautious, then it's curtains.

Dunno that I would have the energy to move it, honestly.

Used to have these when I was super young and had neither the knowledge or vocabulary to describe what they were. They eventually went away; haven't thought about them for years!

Just gonna mention solarpunk in here, all casual. r/solarpunk even.

Would counter this. Canada has a host of problems that are very similar to the US, as well as being very influence by whatever is happening in America - it all comes up here eventually. If OP is looking for drastic change, Canada's not the place to be at all, unless they're planning to go remote northern.

If you can, I'd recommend doing this to get a feel for where you'd like to live! Take a few one-year contracts in different areas, it will give you some perspective on what it's like to live in a foreign country for a while, and you can decide if you like it.

Source: did that after college, it was great, but also realized I get homesick pretty thoroughly.

Yep, I lived in a housing coop and that's what we did. We had rent (but it was significantly lower than the average cost of renting a traditional apartment in the city), which went directly to paying maintenance fees, mortgage fees, taxes, etc. It was a good, workable solution, I felt.

Waaah this just reminds me that my fave Canadian oat milk brand is discontinuing using gluten free oats cause crop shortages this year, so now I have to go back to avoiding it entirely :(

Can't help much but this song is now in my head.

From a millennial, let me pass on the sage wisdom that my elders have imparted to me over the years:

Go back to school and get a real degree, instead of whining about inequality. You're not trying hard enough.

Underrated comment tbh