half naked anime girls on the landing page. Most satisfying

Well, now I want to download Opera.

Joke's on them, Ticketmaster already has all our money!

You're confusing "needs to" with "should", and adding in a little "my experience is the same as everyone's".

It shouldn't need to remove 10 versions of powertoys, because it shouldn't have had them in the first place. It's not a failure of disk cleanup, it's a failure of whatever system installed that in the first place. Probably windows itself, or the app store, or whatever. A regular maintained non fucked up windows install won't have a unreasonable amount of crap data. Just because some people manage to get it to that point doesn't really mean MS needs to tweak their cleanup utility to cater to their edge cases.

Or, to use my previous example, you're complaining that it didn't clean out your file cabinet when you asked it to empty the trash. It doesn't know you decided to keep trash in there, that's not its job.


Picking up one of these, looks useful. I actually had my eye on the previous iteration, but it wasn't "handheld-able" like the new model appears to be. Might be interesting anyway, seems like it's small enough to take the place of a logitech I usually bring along, without needing a flat surface for it. Mostly was just looking for something I could easily use in my lap without having to always rely on the built-in trackpad.

Yeah, same here. I never used the touch, even on my Surface - it was just too awkward to hold the keyboard-flap-and-tablet while trying to poke it with the other hand. The WinMax sits on a palm solidly and has enough bottom-heft that poking it doesn't feel risky at all; plus the touch is very accurate.

Got a link for that BT touchpad? Might be interesting to try. Maybe I can rig some kind of bottom-slider-caddy for it or something.

At the same time... how though?

I'm pretty sure I have both plugged in, and they both show up.

Do you mean you can't transfer from one card to the other? Or that one literally isn't recognized if the other is installed?

Either way, I don't consider SD cards permanent storage extensions ever. They're far too delicate to trust with any kind of important data storage. Unless you're buying the high-endurance ones, but even those have too large of a failure rate for me to want to actually keep anything important on them.

I mean, who cares. They're paying $65k for a database/UI dev? They get what they fuckin' deserve.

1-2GB is a lot of shit.

If you have more than 1-2GB of shit, you've got weirder issues. Disk cleanup isn't a magic infinite space recovery, it removes crap you actually don't need. Having it "free up a ton of space" means you had a ton of crap you didn't need.

Complaining about that is like complaining that emptying your office trashcan didn't clean out your file cabinet automatically. They're not related.

Honestly I don't game much but I didn't have any issues the few times I let it hibernate with a game in the background. I want to say maybe Palworld and Nier:Automata?

I never really worried about PC games; anything I do play with my limited time means it's going to be "save anywhere" type games, rather than "save at specific locations", since there's a good chance I'll be interrupted during play regardless. So a hibernate losing the process doesn't really hurt my feelings any.

Yeah, for 200 users that's $50/year/user. That's barely even a decent keyboard, let alone any kind of real QOL improvement.

Dump an extra $50 into my 401k, or something.

It is the best for travel.

Mine came with me on a eurotrip last month, and it was perfect. Gamepad for the plane, or movies+bluetooth headphones if I didn't feel like gaming.
Enough screen space to check emails and a fantastic keyboard to reply without being annoyed by a thumb-board.
Small enough size that I could throw it in a backpack and barely notice it if I did feel like bringing it around that day.

My only complaint is that the position of the trackpad is really awkward for any consistent use. You have to hover/float your hand over the keyboard, which gets tiring fast. Or I have to do a really awkward three-finger-tripod-brace using the edge and a joycon-cover-tray. Joycon-mouse is... horrible, but that's not GPD's fault, joycons just make horrible mice. It's such a good trackpad too, I really just wish it were anywhere else. It'd be amazing if there were a way to get it to be the right-joycon-cover, somehow. I'm sure that's essentially impossible, but damn it'd be cool as heck.

resume / sleep loading time

I have mine set to Hibernate on lid close. It takes... maybe 3 seconds to turn back on, instead of instant.

Sure, it's an absolute eternity, but... I'll take that over a dead battery every day.

Honestly, it's 3 seconds. Maybe 4. I open it, press power, scratch my balls, and it's ready to log in again.

I haven't noticed anything with it - what's not working?

TBF I think I've only used the big SD card slot, but I had no issues with that on my last trip.

Again... that doesn't change anything that I've said here.

Why would it be shocking that the VIN would be recorded? The issue is collecting and importing that data from so many different sources, into so many different databases, filtering out the unnecessary information, and making up for missing information that's not included in the same format for every vehicle let alone every manufacturer.

It's a nightmare of data collection unless it's standardized, which it clearly isn't yet.

Honestly, save yourself the time if you need to repurpose that box.

Pull the drive, put a new drive in for the reimage. If it's old enough to swap anyway, now you've given yourself time to transfer them to USB or something portable when you're under less of a time constraint.

Haltom City

mass exodus

literally considering exodusing to mass, ourselves. Would be nice to have actual seasons again. It's insane to me that our 200-year-old house there had fewer power outages than our 30-year-old house here.

Stupid fucking advertising bots. Fuck off.

Haltom City

people won't be able to pay multi-thousand dollar electric bills

Griddy has entered the chat

DM and I can also share a link to play around with our software.

"This is a thinly veiled advertisement for my software phrased as a question so I can claim it isn't if there's any pushback".

Edit: "and then spammed the same shit to 4 other subs because I have zero shame".

Reported for spam.

Cable, maybe not an issue.

Power brick, almost certainly an issue.

Minimum output needed is 60-65W, I believe. The switch is going to be less than that, as far as I recall.

that guy is super cheap and works great for the GPD, been using it as my travel charger for months now.

Yes, but no.

Either of these are technically correct. If you're referring to "a page in the manuscript", it's ambiguous whether you mean "one side of a page" or "one leaf (page) in the (book)". It's accurate to also say "a 200-page book has 100 pages", which may be confusing for non-native speakers.

Context matters here. Saying "turn to page 175" is clearly indicating only one side, since the other side would (probably) be 176.

Saying "rip out that page" clearly means both sides, since you can't rip out only one.

OP stating "I could only come up with one side of one page" is just fine, as it clarifies "not duplex-printed page". Every teacher/professor has their own standards on how documents are submitted and will specify whether they want single or double-sided printing, so this is a perfectly acceptable way to be specific.

No, he's dating a liar.

Only one of those things is morally indefensible.

do you seriously think that that information isnt being sold?

Yes. Or at least, not in the way this user is suggesting.

Could 'overall driving habits of car brand X' be a thing insurers want to see? Probably.

Is "retiredfromfire's specific driving pattern" a thing that each insurer purchases and reviews prior to writing your policy? Absolutely not.

Again - plenty of insurance carriers have a monitoring option available. They offer to send you a diagnostic OBDII scanner (or an app) that you can opt to run yourself, to collect this data. For them, in a way they can read easily and make internal decisions on your policy with. That's the data they want, directly tied to you, in a format that's ready to import into their specific systems, in order to make policy changes.
Getting raw data from a car manufacturer - which would contain every car owner including ones that company doesn't insure, in formats they would need to clean and edit prior to correlating it with their own systems, is far less likely currently.
Not only that, but they'd need to purchase historical data from multiple brands at the moment in order to get any sort of reasonable driving history for each person - and then merge the data from multiple source inputs into a single historical overview. It's not like Toyota's report is going to instantly match exactly Chevy's report - so not only would they need to do this, they'd need to do it for multiple companies depending on how many vehicles you owned recently.
Additionally, the dataset collected differs for every vehicle, even within a brand name. Which means yet another thing they'd need to standardize somehow before import, making this even more complicated to do on an individual basis. There's no "central reporting database" that all car manufacturers dump their data into, that would defeat the purpose of collecting data for each one to sell.

Again - while newer cars do report a ton of information, not all cars are new. Not all new cars report. Not all cars report the same data.

Data is only useful if you can do something with it. There's no point in wasting their time needing to continually purchase, clean. edit, import, and parse incomplete data just so they can fuck over a small percentage of their individual clients. Yet. Why fuck over you specifically on your single policy when they can simply say "you live in city/state? They've got bad drivers on average, your policy is higher, done."

Too much work, for too small of a reward. Again, currently. I'm sure it's a thing they'd love to be able to do once there's a standardized collection format and >50% of vehicles offer this exact format, and there's a way to continually sync that data with every insurer.