I was expecting a meet cute, not puppy play.

I’ll scream the horror movie damsel scream because if I’m going to die I’ll make sure everyone knows it.

Dude I was trying to find a gif for that but I had to settle for the wink.

They surely had something going on. It would have been some interesting drama later on if it turned out they had a kid.

And maybe also our hominid cousins?

Chekhov’s Gun is a literary device used to foreshadow the use of a tool. The classic example is found in written works, generally used by describing the location of a weapon. That weapon is later used.

If only President Washington had warned us about it! /s

I want to smack you in the nose with a newspaper for calling it that.

I tried using olive oil when masturbating, once. If it wasn’t for the fact that I need it for cooking, I’d use it more often.

Doesn’t the Jedi order have a legit unarmed martial art?

I very badly want to see his mother call him out on his bullshit even though she’s dead.

Annabel O’Hagan (Stephanie) apparently hasn’t done much. I think this might be one of her biggest roles yet and I dearly hope she does more.

Enbies have just as right to live as the rest of us

Naps are risky business.