New product, code-named Dawn (replacing System Update 2021), has been delayed from the fall until early 2025.

Trying to put together the hand guns with the tiny mouth pieces made me question my sanity... More than usual.

🎵One night of Netrunner in Bangkok can make a hard man humble. 🤪

But seriously. I love seeing all the posts of play groups around all parts of the globe.

Probably the new set, Dawn, to be released later this year.

Yeah, the options aren't great here. I like the comment from other poster about Carmen - dips into your influence but gets the job done and a freebie bypass of ice every now and then.

Options for Startup Shaper, for Killer or AI ice:

Atman Echelon Living Mural Slap Vandal

Assuming you want to stay in in-faction as Kit has less influence than most.

Métropole Grid used Orca with a couple of Spark of Inspiration to help with costs.

Sage Theatre you just missed their submission for the Ignite! Festival - but I would contact them to see if you can get involved with a production.

I see a broken thumbnail, that when clicked leads to a Wingspan card?

☝️This. Don't give them a reason to be able to fire you.

Went to a Smashing Pumpkins CD release party there once. Gosh I'm old.

I echo comments about the game being very thematic, asymmetrical gameplay, etc. I also appreciate the strong world-wide community, and that you can start playing for an extremely low cost. Proxies are acceptable at tournaments, and NSG makes all their sets print and play. For the cost of some sleeves, and a few prints, you can play. Heck, if you want to hand draw your own cards to save printing then go for it!

I think the requirement to run to reduce the cost of breaking subroutines makes other cards better. Curupira, for example, at least gives you the ability to bypass ice once it gets 3 power counters and is cheaper to break subroutines.