Not true strictly speaking, it depends on the circumstances and how much of a threat the police determine the attacker to be. Inaction can also be fatal.

Yeah history is just nature with people in it lol living in the wild is basically everyone's a dirty lumberjack including kinsey

I agree, it's not attractive in my opinion how jacked some girls get but I don't have to do anything with them - so who cares

I doubt it due to nutrition and exercise knowledge and drugs playing such a huge part in what is considered aesthetic and muscular now, but there wasn't soap back then either lol people still got it on

I don't find it attractive, but I'm not about to call somebody gay for liking muscular girls

Gotta touch a dick when you pee why has God forsaken us

Wonder no more it's because I disagree with letting him out or killing him and believe he should think it over in a box forever, now I must be off *AWAYyYyyY

When I just graduated HS, I said to my mom, "An A.A. isn't needed, I can find work either way - it's all the same." I told myself what I wanted to be true, and for all I knew I was right. I eventually figured out how education was needed to be more successful and made my adjustments. These guys are living in paranoid delusion, including Trump, and can't separate their identity from the lie anymore because Trump won't. If he just took the L like a man the rest would follow suit, but he's in too deep and probably has been since 2017.

Nationwide gop efforts to remove liberals from rolls bc they keep losing the popular vote and want to cling to power in purple areas, need I remind you about the mythical voter fraud BIG LIE of 2020-Now

So we admit life is expensive and all people do is drink everywhere then what - we're happy?

And you didn't say a single actual thing you did though

I noticed you didn't say what you do though

He's entitled to poison the public discourse though ! It's his first amendment right to lie to the public !1!

So with evidence from his time as president he's guilty of felonies... but without evidence from his time as president he's innocent...


"durrr And you say the right is a cult derp" - maga

Edit: it's in quotes, chill lol

Thank you he's so paranoid why would his circle include anybody BUT yesmen now?

I don't see how it matters, the presidency is not one guy. It's a cabinet, appointees, leadership all of which are radioactive for Trump. He's a divisive bumblefuck who just rambles "hot takes" all day and has never once made me feel proud to be American. Happy fourth!

Yep, like it's been fun here and there. Got some attention or whatever, but the grind to get there was a million swipes, a million days working on myself, getting ghosted, reading a million bad pieces of advice, disappointments that I could work out how to find the right fit. I hate dating at this point and just hope to keep from being totally bitter.

No he can cook in a cell thinking about it eating the same meal every day until he dies

You probably have no friends much less know any liberals lol