As far as the private lawyer thing, my guess is that they know their son isn’t getting set free, so why pay for a fancy lawyer? (I’m sure they don’t care about sentencing or anything else a good lawyer would be useful for in a situation like this)

They must think that with a good enough lawyer, they will get off Scott free, and that is worth whatever they paid for the fancy lawyer.

These people are clearly narcissistic idiots not capable of “drawing attention away from their son.” They deserve the same sentencing as their son, whatever that ends up being.

I had a medical emergency that led to a rare diagnosis that might basically mean that my entire sacrum will have to be removed. I realized that this probably meant that I won’t be able to have another, and I wasn’t even sad about it.

Before this, we had really just been feeling that parenting infant-toddler years is just not something we enjoy enough to want to do ever again.

To secure them better, you might be able to get some string lights that are inside a silicone tube, or just get a long silicone tube off Amazon and DIY it. Then use mounted cable ties to keep them in place. I’m definitely a fan of the box surrounding the outlet. Maybe try putting a little plant there too?

Parent here, can confirm.

I’ll try spinning, that’s a good trick.

I don’t speak German, but I fucking love this.

Sorry! Not trying to assume gender there. In my region “dude” is typically used to casually refer to just about anyone.

You’re fine dude! If my autocorrect didn’t catch it for me, I’d probably do it more often too.

Pretty sure coastinguphill was just being cheeky because it’s spelled “a lot” not “alot.” Don’t worry, we all knew what you meant anyway. :)

This might be a weird suggestion, but something that helped me this year was reading “The Life changing magic of tidying up” by Marie Kondo. A big part of the tidying process involves sitting down and envisioning your ideal day. That alone was helpful, but it helped get my home into a place where I felt supported and set up for success.

That’s beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

Lol, they only call it that because one cannot accurately call it a “bathroom.” How else is a posh lady supposed to discreetly ask where the shitter is at a party?

I’m not clear on if it’s even hers. It’s on my side of the fence and a good 2 feet away from the picket fence in question. When we moved in, it looked like the bush haven’t been pruned for several years and all foliage around it was out of control. We had no indication that it was anything other than ours until this email that she sent.

So if she built the fence initially, and it’s on her side of the property, do you think it’s still a 50/50 split for fence repairs, or do you think she conveniently forgot to mention how far into her property the fence was when repair time came around?

Truthfully, I haven’t gotten a quote on how much a survey would cost me yet. (After dropping 3K on a fence, I’m a little nervous lol.) I tried looking it up on the deed, but it just lists the lot number, so no help with property lines there. :/

Fence on the wrong side?

Hey friends! Weird situation here that I’d covet some advice on.

Last fall, we had to replace the fence that was on the property line between us and a neighbor. This was and is the only fencing on our corner property, and it cost us more than we wanted to have to spend even though we split it between us and the neighbor.

Fast forward this weekend when I sent an email to our neighbor to politely ask her to stop trimming the rose bush that was about a foot away from the fence. She replied and informed me that the fence is actually, “well inside [her] property line” and was done so intentionally when initially constructed. And that the rose bush that I asked her not to trim was planted by the people whom she bought the house from.

So now I have no idea how much “well into the property line is” and whether or not we should have paid for its repairs in the first place.

Any advice?


It’s more not having anywhere to go. We only have 1 car right now, so usually hubby takes it to work. Also we got pregnant with baby right after moving to a new town, and then a few months after baby came the pandemic. So we don’t have any usual haunts. Thank you for bringing this up though, I should probably do a little thinking and make sure that my excuse here is truly the only reason.

Same dude. I can’t wait until the pandemic stuff is over and I can go make parent friends and ask them random questions.

I honestly thought about not asking him to go, and I did ask him if he wanted to go even if I didn’t and he said yes. He hasn’t been the most present parent lately, so having the kid on my own for a couple days won’t exactly be worlds different than if he was here.

Am I being a selfish jerk?Toddler 1-3 Years

Hey friends, I wanted the opinion of some other parents on something.

For context: We have a 21 month old, and we live 2 hours away from all of our friends and family. I’m a SAHM, and I have struggled with anxiety and depression a lot over the last 21 months. We just got our second covid shot, and we’ve never been apart from our baby for more than a couple hours. None of our family members are vaccinated, and it doesn’t seem like they are going to. (Ugh....)

So My (28F) husband (27M) agreed several months ago to be a groomsman at one of his coworkers’ wedding this June. We live in central Oregon and the wedding is in Southern California, so it requires a bit of travel. When he agreed to be in the wedding party, he asked what I thought and whether or not I thought I’d be coming.

I told him at the time that I would think about it and that in a perfect world, I would like to but I doubted I’d be able to handle traveling with a toddler in covid times. Also the odds of me being ok leaving my toddler with family for a whole weekend out of the blue would not be good either.

He seemed ok with that answer, and as we got closer to the wedding I made sure to tell him that there was no way I could emotionally handle travel or a weekend away. I felt kinda bad, but my son needs me more than my husband right now. Right?

Frequently, when it came up he would get frustrated at me for making him go by himself and not wanting to try to leave the house hardly ever. Sometimes he gets really emotional about it, and he kept putting of buying the plane ticket hoping I would change my mind. He never tried to manipulate me or anything, he just seemed hurt.

Did I make the wrong call here?? Am I being a selfish jerk by not stepping outside of my comfort zone?

I don’t know what to think here. :(
