He's always been a bully. You don't have to look very far into his history to figure it out

Nah, this isn't cool. Yes, they're weird, but they aren't hurting anything.

I like the dress on the right a lot more. Actually, I think they put a little more meat on her bones AND removed the fishnets. It's just the latest fashion. Even if it is censorship, it's REALLY miniscule. It's not like they fucked up her face or anything.

There's so much hatred towards this breed.

PS2 games tend to overcompensate from technical limitations and deadlines. This new entry is clearly going for fluidity and accuracy to the anime. In a perfect world, we could have both. Maybe they'll put it in later as DLC if we cry loud enough? Idk, I just want this game in my fucking hands

Oh no, I can't ogle at her perky tits as effectively as I used to. The West has fallen.

Back when Volition could make videogames

Nah, fentanyl ruined everything. Unless in ur in a place where weed is legal

He was definitely a vile person who had his issues. He hit a wave entertaining internet addicted and depressed teenagers, so now he'll be remembered as some sort of visionary. I think towards the end of his life, he was starting to heal and understand the downright horrid shit he did. It's a shame he was killed before he could give anyone he harmed any sort of closure and forgive himself.

Dude fucked a pillow and thought "yeah this is it"

The game just needs an AI adjustment, and those running segments cleaned up, and you have a perfect Yakuza game. I consider Y5 the weakest, but that's like saying which luxury sports car that jerks you off and does your taxes is the worst.

🦅 only the finest of breast milks 🥛 🦅

At least his taste is good

I think the Switch is worthy of a purchase at this point. Get it on Black Friday. There are a lot of good Hack & Slash games that Nintendo seemed to have bought out.

Very good. She actually looks more Mishima here than in the game lol