That and dial in the z offset. If still not working, show down the first layer speed. Glue stick is a last resort.

Yep, mold flow software for sure. They would likely experiment (in simulation) with several different sprue locations and sizes, injection pressures, etc. And then after finding a good looking solution, it would probably still need a bit of tweaking after first shots to really dial it in.

You know you can look this all up for yourself to have facts behind your argument instead of just speculation, right?

They can either do multi-shot molding, where each color is added progressively through a sequence of molds (often cavities of the same mold too, but that doesn't strictly matter). Or they can tune it to be sprued and simultaneously injected in such a way that the intended colors appear in the right places on the outside (called regional co-injection or multi-component molding). Multi-shot gets pretty complicated with more than 2 colors/materials, but multi-component is complicated always.

When you cut into it, do you see well defined layers (indicating the first approach) or swirls of color blending together (indicating the second)?

Hahaha, this is rich. The "left" as you define them has never been more right than they are currently. You think Biden is far left? The American left is right off most European countries right wing parties.

That said, I don't disagree with you that Trump is not a true Republican. But I also don't think he is liberal by any means and was likely only a Democrat because he was from New York and just wanted to fit in. I don't think he has the mental capacity to have political beliefs beyond what personally benefits him in the moment. And in that regard, he isn't really anything politically. But by enacted policies, he cannot be regarded as anything less than the most right wing president in American history.

As an engineer, I was so frustrated by the vagueness in how the formula is measured. How do I know if it's loose enough?! I ended up buying a high precision kitchen scale and we would weigh the amount of powder. The container says what mass of formula is equivalent to one scoop.

We also bought some little containers to pre-portion the powder to make it quick and easy to make a bottle when needed.

The only legitimate way is if the state violated your constitutional rights. That's not to say it applies to Trump, it almost certainly doesn't. But it is possible for the SC to intervene in state convictions.

That is a totally bonkers interpretation. But I guess, so is Christianity in the first place.

But does your interpretation indicate that Jesus said/thought/indicated that the old testament laws no longer apply? The interpretations of the specific passage I posted isn't really the topic of the discussion. I don't believe you will find anything in the Bible to support the assertion I replied to that Jesus "literally say[s] the old laws of the Old Testament were now invalid". And the first part of the passage I posted pretty clearly contradicts the assertion. The fulfill part isn't relevant.

Nope, exactly the opposite. Try Matthew 5:17-18

Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

You will not find a passage where he says the old testament doesn't count anymore. That's a creation of modern Christians who don't want to follow the old testament, except of course where they can weaponize it against others.

Weird, DC war criminals is actually 1 too!

None of his supporters even argued that he wasn't guilty. Every single one of them would only talk about how it wasn't fair, it was selective prosecution, it's politically motivated, etc. But the undertone all along was "of course he did it, I just don't think he should be held accountable"

Yes, I know that. But I'm trying to figure out what exactly they want to even accomplish. It's a super common occurrence in this sub for someone to come in and ask a very specific question when it isn't remotely clear that it answers their actual problem.

Why do you need to know the population size to calculate the sample size? What are you actually trying to determine about the population?

"Never miss" is certainly hyperbolic, but only slightly. They have claimed repeatedly that their bombs (even the unguided ones) are accurate and that they have a very controlled process to ensure they hit their intended target. Here's one such article.

Accuracy at heart is in contrast to bias. If you take a series of repeated measurements of the same thing, they will err on average by a value no more than the stated accuracy. It really has little to do with what tolerance you can measure with that system. That is more related to precision and includes not just the inherent precision of the measurement device, but also the contributions due to parts, operators, environment, etc. Your gage r&r doesn't tell you at all whether your gauge is accurate, it tells you what portion of the measurement uncertainty is attributable to the measurement system (all the things I listed above) relative to the part to part variability of the product steam, or sometimes relative to the tolerance width.

Not when you also brag about how your bombs are precision guided and never miss their intended targets. Not when you were warned not to attack Raffah without specific plans with regards to how to avoid civilian casualties and your reply was, nah we got this and then literally day 1 you don't got this.

Modern for me is Larnell Lewis (my favorite current drummer of any genre). Favorite jazz drummer of all time is Tony Williams

Unbeknownst to most people, Prop 65 has actually caused the reformulation of countless consumer products. There was a very enlightening 99PI episode that covered it.

Thank you for perfectly demonstrating that Fox News in fact did not tell you about it. I'll concede that they mentioned the existence of the accusation, but the rest of your comment shows they clearly didn't mention a single legitimate detail.

Is Trump's team basically saying the prosecution can't insinuate that Trump broke the law without first having been convicted? But then how could anyone be convicted if the prosecution can't accuse them of having committed a crime?!