Please do a lot of research on huskies and malamutes. They are cute but require a lot of work.

This is one of the reasons I definitely won’t have a male dog. I know females do it to but not nearly as much. I guess bring on the hate. Btw. My granddogs are male.

I want to rub the little belly. What a cutie!


I have m&ms.

Boots. My daughter had a beautiful cat named Boots. She was vocal, curious and demanded love. She would also give the dogs leftover food off the counter that wasn’t put away. She also took a sandwich out of my daughter’s hand. She is greatly missed.

NTA. However, the more I read Reddit, the more I hate people. The wife was rude.


Yes. Tom (ginger) and Clancy.

Beautiful dogs! Love the names.


Tom and Clancy - my favorite author. They were almost Storm and Trooper.

He is an adorable cat.