So long story short; my ex family got involved and forced her to break up with me. They forced her file a PFA against me. After the PFA was filed we ended up talking about things for an hour and she seemed fine with talking to me. We talked for over an hour. She wanted to make sure I was doing okay and I would go to therapy.

We have been in no contact since then. We went to court and the PFA was dismissed without prejudice. I decided to write a letter to her explaining how I saw the things I did wrong. Apologized for them and just told her if she ever wanted to talk again I would be open to it. I never asked or begged to get back together, never threatened her or anything of that nature. It was just for my closure and hers to let her know it wasn’t all her fault.

But her family is a little crazy and have connections in law enforcement. It was the first and will be the last thing I send her since we broke up, I have tried to make no other contact since. I did not put a return address or identify who I was in the letter except for knowing intimate details of our relationship. If they were to find out about this could there be any legal ramifications?

Located in Alabama.