
The more extraordinary the claim the more extraordinary the burden of proof.

Either clarify this that you mean along the same lines as a Snicker’s commercial, or provide a citation that remotely backs this claim up.


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As with all “who could win” situations, if you want one of the two characters to win, then your character can win.

What you appear to be ignoring is that Voldemort lived to be 71 years old. Sauron was thousands upon thousands of years old - “as old as creation itself.”

Sauron does have a soul, but Avada Kedavra doesn’t destroy the Soul. So, Sauron would just come back as he is able to reform him body. If we look at The One Ring, let’s say Sauron was wearing it and it drops from his freshly Avada Kedavra’d body.

The moment Voldemort sees it, he likely recognize it for the power it has. The moment he puts it on, he will simply fall under its power, as Gandalf (even Gandalf the White), Galadriel, and any one else would. The power of The One Ring is that no one can resist its control on them once they have claimed it as their own.

Who is behind that control? The majority portion of Sauron’s soul. Oh, and while we don’t see it in the movies, Sauron is just as much able to perform magic as Gandalf and the rest of the wizards. Avada Kedavra still has to physically hit the target and appears to not have any type of homing feature, so Sauron could dodge it.

So, even 1 on 1, at most Voldemort could hamper Sauron, but he wouldn’t have the capacity to defeat him permanently. Sauron is a lowercase-g god. He has thousands of years of experience with manipulating reality and minds to his will. He could transform his body into other people or animals. He surrendered himself to that race of Super-humans and within short order was the closest advisor to their king.

Sauron and Voldemort meeting each other would result in Voldemort taking Sauron under his wing and utilizing him as a tool like Bellatrix or his other top Death Eaters. Sauron wouldn’t be a threat until he wanted to be a threat. But, if they were plucked up from their realities and dropped into an Arena and both hear, “Only one of you will leave here alive.” Voldemort would need to have been studying Rap God to be able to cast Avada Kedavra fast enough to take out Sauron.

Sauron ruled much of Middlearth for over 1400 years. It took an alliance of multiple kingdoms of Humans, multiple kingdoms of Elves, and multiple kingdoms of Dwarves to stop him AND that only happened by an errant swipe of a broken sword. This was after he defeated the High King of the Elves who had ruled for over 3500 years at that point. And defeated the High King of the Dunedain, who was 322 years old and ruled for over 120 at that time. Oh, and he defeated them at the same time.

Voldemort lost to Harry how many times? Oh, and Voldemort needed Horcrux’s to be immortal. Sauron’s soul was immortal and he could reform his body (prior to the ring being destroyed).

So, I’ll let the personal stuff that happened between you and your room alone. But, while I do see the possibilities of Voldemort defeating Sauron, it’s with massive caveats.

You take The One Ring from Sauron, then likely need to have Voldemort as before Nagini. Who wins that?

From there… let’s go with Prime Sauron vs Prime Voldemort. But, which Prime Sauron? For your sake, let’s go Movies Prime Sauron while he is wearing The One Ring before he loses his finger and is defeated by the alliance of Men, Dwarves, and Elves.

Voldemort lost to Harry Potter… a lot. He couldn’t defeat Dumbledoor. And while he was quite the menace, he spent a long time fighting the Wizarding World and didn’t win. Further, I strongly believe it is inferred (if not confirmed) that Wizards lost the fight against just Humans and that is why they are separated from Muggles.

But, that Sauron who was defeated was after ruling for some 1,400 years - while the Humans, Elves, and Dwarves were present, but unable to stand against him. Oh, and when he came to power? Yeah, that was after soundly defeated the race of super-humans who lived hundreds of years and exterminating almost all of them.

I do believe if we dropped back to the First Age, when Sauron was 2nd to Melkor, I believe he was even more powerful. Though, that may be speculative in my part..

However, one more rather important thing: Sauron’s Soul is immortal and he could reform him body following death. The other reason I believe pre-ring Sauron was more powerful is that he had put so much of him Soul into The One Ring that when the ring was destroyed, there wasn’t enough of his soul to reform. So, he would wander the earth as a formless spirit - forever. Like a Ghost from HP, but significantly less powerful and unable to even make himself into a form.


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If you want to be as pedantic as you are, why are you requiring EST? Wouldn’t UST-5 be more accurate globally?

What if it was a launch from Texas, would you say it’s 12:35PM CST? You’d need to clarify if that was Central Standard Time, China Standard Time, or Cuba Standard Time.

Or, don’t be a jerk to folks like /u/irene420 who correctly identified the time of the local launch time.

But you can’t destroy a horcux by dropping it a few dozen feet. Obviously, even after Dumbledoor connected those dots, he treated Harry like anything could have killed him. So, perhaps that is true. Nagini was a proper horcux and Harry a strange incidental pseudo-horcux. He may have not had any of the protections a regular horcux would also have.

I was wondering the same. Perhaps it’s a door in a non load bearing wall? Otherwise, I believe a load bearing wall is decidedly not load bearing any more.


Apologies - I misread the first response with “of” rather than “in” the primaries.

I’d agree it would be unlikely, possibly even agree guaranteed. But, should Trump lose the presidency, allegiances will be shifting. Not enough to save anyone in the next couple years, possibly even couple election cycles.

There isn’t a “next in line” should Trump lose in November to be his replacement. So, where will the money go? Likely nothing as centralized as it is now.

For the record, I also think Democrats are facing a similar problem, as their old guy is old as hell too and has no replacement. Further, regardless of who win in November, both parties will face some big changes and problems with those changes after this November.


That’s what I was trying to intone. In Texas, Republicans will almost assuredly win where their districts regardless of the Presidential results (even in Texas).

But, a lot of money flows into Texas and if those no longer back Trump, then money won’t flow to Trump-backed candidates. should Trump not make it into the Whitehouse this round, I don’t see the big money backers keeping their alignment with him.

Who knows though!


If they won their primary, are you proposing the Republican would lose?


Wouldn’t that depend on who ends up in the Whitehouse? I am really at a loss for what folks who have… clung… to Trump’s coattails will do should he not return to the Whitehouse. Barring him being voted as the first non-congressional speaker of the house, his career directly in politics is over. At best, he could attempt to remain around as a kingmaker. But, he’ll be even older than Biden is now come 2028, so I don’t see any chance he remains politically relevant.

If downballot (moreso outside of Texas) goes against Republicans, I suspect the party will be primed to shift away from him. If that happens, it’s like money flowing into Texas to Trump-backed Republicans would also shift and that could be quite favorable.

The reality? Who knows. But, I don’t know that the perfect loyalty requirement will continue when the narrative on who that loyalty needs to be focused on goes away.

Indeed. I’d also suspect a number would benefit from Conjure Food and Water so they can better stake out or hide out without the need to worry on rations.


And hopefully seal the deal on New Jersey’s Senator (and wife).

Let’s go with the stuff around J6 actually is serious (and based on the convictions, it’s fair to say it is), how about we do a much more thorough investigation there.

Perhaps a better explanation would be why you want to. You also may want to look for “pad clearing” companies. Also also, you may need an arborist to ensure all of the trees can be cut down. A number of jurisdictions have restrictions on tree removal, though that may not be your situation.

Your state statute should be pretty on this. In some states, this would not be allowed at all. Your malpractice carrier would also give your the best advice on this and is part of why you pay them.


Welcome to what so many of us have been saying for decades. Why are politicians and the wealthy held to a different legal standard than everyone else?

I would add that I suspect SCOTUS would find Obama immune for his actions. I’m not sure what you mean about Biden, unless you mean his son? But, yeah, we should have taken down the Clintons for their actions.

The list of questions can just keep going…

It makes so little sense, that I have basically ignored that it might even exist.