The 8 gates. My man achieved exactly 2 things, being crippled for life, and an early retirement.

Favorite is probably Madara. My least favorite character in the whole series has always been Danzo for some reason

  1. Deidara (bro is true art)
  2. Might Guy (charming personality)
  3. Hokage Naruto (bro is simply him)
  4. Sasori (Sasori)
  5. Gaara (not rly sure)

MK1 has the best gameplay. MK9 has the best story. MK11 has the most content. MKX is kinda just a Jack of all Trades.

Shit good point. I forgot about that. Nvm, I change my answer

Johnny Test + Dookie vs. Phineas and FerbBattle

Rules: 1 week of Prep time Johnny fights alongside Dookie, with his sisters building the gadgets Phineas and Ferb fight together

The village of the leaves that are hidden in the leaf village hidden in the leaves

Having that many characters probably wouldn’t ever happen

A lot of strong characters have a hack that mostly rely on: anyone with a visual ability, Jinchuriki, Samehada, Jashin, sand defense, etc. Deidara was just very artistic, and found a way to use it in his fighting. This fool Deidara was also able to fight off team Guy with no arms and a Kunai in his mouth. He also outsmarted Gaara’s sand defense, and Shukaku. He is a DOG

Kakashi 1000%. He kept peace for over a decade, and heavily advanced the leaf village into an urban city.

People who think they’re unique for hating Taylor SwiftFairly Annoyed

Like i’m not a huge TS fan or anything, but something about seeing 17 instagram comments asking “Am I the only one who can’t stand Taylor Swift?”, just pushes a weird button in me. Like you’re not different or cool for hating a very popular artist.

The only reason Deidara didn’t use his micro clay against Gaara the first time, was because he wasn’t actually trying to kill him. I’d say Deidara still wins. Hidan, Kakuzu, Sasori, And MAYBE Konan are all dead. Obito, Itachi, Kisame, and Pain will all kill Gaara with a fair amount of difficulty.

I have a distant family member named Lucifer. That’s gotta count for something.

MODOK actually looked really accurate to the comics. Not sure why his look got so much hate

Naruto: he’s Naruto

Himawari: Chukaaaaaku

Nagato: left the room so Konan and Yahiko could be alone. W friend.

Definitely one of those underground indie bands, like Metallica

To be fair, MK11 didn’t have friendships until like a year after the game released.

4x4 is a little harder that 5x5, just because of parity, and those algorithms are kind of annoying.