Misunderstood your post then. Sounded like you need hand holding. It depends on what your questions are. Each department may be expert at what their department does, but not necessarily fully familiar with the roles of other departments. It’s frustrating for sure. So, depending on your questions, admissions might not be the right office, and may also fail to refer you to the correct department. Directly ask a question on this sub, and there’s bound to be someone who can direct you to the right department.

I’m not sure GMU is the greatest fit for someone who needs a high amount of support. Most offices are understaffed and overworked. Also, communication between offices isn’t that great. The faculty are good, but many of the administrative offices don’t usually have the capacity to spend a lot of time with individual students, nor do they communicate with one another well.

Definitely meet with the Office of Disability Services if you haven’t already. That will allow for some accommodations in your classes. https://ds.gmu.edu/

Sounds like not enough people dropped the course for you to come off the waitlist.

I have a long first and middle name, neither of which I’ve ever regularly gone by. Went by a nickname I never identified with for most of my childhood. Changed my nickname in college. Have finally taken steps to legally change it to what I want. I like my chosen name, and will correct the pronunciation if I expect to interact with someone more than once.

Academic advisors have nothing to do with the grade appeal process. All policies are in the University Catalog: https://catalog.gmu.edu/policies/academic/grading/#ap-3-9

Colonialism at its finest.

They need to edit out students who show support of a certain population. Since I mentioned said population in a separate comment, it was removed.

They need time to edit out any students showing any support for Palestine.

Each degree celebration will have a check in area. If you’re not on the list for that college, you won’t be granted access.

They cannot force you to stay. This is just a photo op anyway.

Instructors cannot override waitlists. Those are set by the registrar.

Instructors have until 5/9 to submit final grades.

This type of thing would be reported to the course department, not the dean.

It’s true. This is something to waste time on apparently. The new logo is hideous. They’ll now need to change all marketing and administrative materials. What a waste of resources.

The Dean can’t force an instructor to let a student make up work. It doesn’t work that way. Retake the course either in the summer or fall.

The deadline for doing a Selective WD has passed, so that’s not even an option. If you fail IT293, just take it again next semester and don’t miss the key assignment.

I notice so many little changes and my partner has difficulty understanding the gravity of this. I am working on getting an official diagnosis so maybe he will take it more seriously and we can work together towards better understanding.

One of my triggers is our spice rack. I know where everything is and he struggles to put spices back where he pulled them from. This causes me irritation when what I’m looking for isn’t where it’s supposed to be. I have begun heavily sighing in recent years to expel the irritable energy. It doesn’t fix it, but it occasionally prevents complete meltdowns for me.

Thank you for sharing the video. I’m now following that creator.

I have a difficult time fake smiling for photos. Instead, I over exaggerate looking bored or perturbed. I find it hilarious. The other people involved sometimes find it funny too. If they want one of me smiling with teeth, I have to fake laugh to make it look somewhat believable.

It kinda looks like a metal squid. I would opt for eating with my hands over using that monstrosity.

Like many others, I still mask most of the time. Thankfully, we’re spread out at work, so I can take a breather every now and then. Most of my coworkers only mask in crowded spaces. I have RA and am on meds that suppress my immune system. Thankfully, I’ve only had Covid once and that was enough for me.