Look at the ads that your local grocery stores mail to you and buy the stuff you want on sale. Also compare prices at different websites like Target, Walmart, Safeway, and Lucky, and others to see which ones have cheaper stuff.

Snacks like ice cream, fruit juice, chocolate candy bars, soda, crackers, cookies, chips, and cereal are huge money wasters; if you can cut back, you'll be doubly blessed with savings and better health.

My Costco had the same price for eggs since inflation hit. I went there last month and was shocked that it dropped to $9.29.

No. I like cleaning and I'm free labor. My friend paid $200/month to clean her house before she moved, but she absolutely hated physical labor.


20s was all about freedom and fun. 30 is the unspoken number for maturity; I think the mind just settles down and becomes more grounded naturally. My friends and I used to joke that every time one of us turned this age, we said, "It's all downhill from here."

I only like leftovers when they're re-heated on the stove because it still tastes good. But leftovers taste terrible after microwaving it.

Different things. Some find purpose in themselves, i.e. building up their careers. Others find purpose in having children.

Good for you that your house is fully paid off. What's your secret?

You have to show your boss your work to get their approval before you can proceed, like I'm a high school student again. Geez. I got fired from that job. I can't even remember why.

I don't have any financial advice, just that I'm in CA as well and it's great to hear that your son is willing to go to a JC for the first 2 years. My son's in the same grade as yours, and he's firm about going to a CSU. At least he didn't say UC because I'd be broke.

Getting braces for my teeth. It's the best thing I ever bought.

The map app. I have no sense of direction or finding my way anywhere, so I'm grateful every single time I use it to drive my children to a new place.

Though looking back, I'm shocked that I went everywhere alone on the subway and bus as a teenager and didn't get lost; I honestly don't know how I did it without today's map tech giving me step-by-step directions.

The need to work and deciding on a career path when you can't pick one to save your life

No child would ever want me to read to them because I read too fast.

I know Anne and Edward didn't want their children to have fancy titles so they can choose their own lives; I've always disagreed with this and never liked that as a reason. That decision makes it seem like they hate their jobs and don't want the next generation to suffer the same burden.

If the monarchy is their history, future, and their identities that need to be preserved, a prince/princess title shouldn't be a burden. Anne and Edward should've been proud of it and happily given these titles to Peter, Zara, James, and Louise.

Besides, just because they have a prince/princess title doesn't mean they'll be working royals. Beatrice and Eugenie aren't.

Having said all this, I don't think Zara will want it. She's happy to live her life and dress up to go to events for fun.

I have Netflix, but won't watch. I can't wait to read the reviews.

I could care less. It's "I couldn't care less."

Its the sound of spitting. I get grossed out just reading it.

He has to understand that his life will change with children. He can't just run off to trips like he was childless and free anymore. It's not fair to you.

I felt the same way when Spouse wanted to go on his usual weekly bowling outing with his friends while I was holding my own newborn. Even his childless friends asked him, "Shouldn't you be home with your wife?" Of course he justified it and tried to go again next week. The next time, I said, "You should be home to help out." He never went again.

People who dismissively say a diploma or college degree is just a piece of paper is trying to make themselves feel better that they don't have either.

What he means is that he doesn't want to sit down, focus, and read about boring subjects that he doesn't care about and study, take tests, write papers, do group projects, etc. for them.

Honestly, time passing by faster is much better than time crawling. Time crawling means you're bored. I'm both happy and sad that time passes by quickly - happy because I'm not bored. Sad because I'm only in my mid 40s, but feel like I'm running out of time.

The irony, considering time passed by so slowly in my 20s. 30s was regular speed. 40s started going really fast.


The rest of them have a lot of money, so any increase doesn't even dent them. If they have $500K in a savings account, how does a Costco bill going from $200 to $300 matter to them? It doesn't.