I’m in the upper class. I need more assets to become wealthy. I just need more time

Ignore any dms you will be getting and speak to an financial advisor

Here is what I would do. Max out the Roth. It sounds like you do not have a 401k so you can do a brokerage account. You could split the extra income in half. One part goes into an HYSA for a potential house buy. The other goes into the brokerage. Invest in a broad based ETF so you have whole market diversification. Don’t try to pick individual stocks. You will mostly likely lose money.

What about emergency fund? If you do not have any high interest debt then you should be building that fund first before investing. What about a 401k?

Do you have a 6 month emergency fund? Do you have any high interest debt? Are you planning on buying a house, vehicle, or any other large purchase in the next two years? Are you maxing out your 401k and Roth?

200 bjs at $50 will get you there. Realistically, I’m curious if making 10k a month is even possible with almost no skills

Have you considered balance transfers? Most credit cards have a 0% Apr for so many months.

How much debt and what are the bank terms?

The question is why do you need to take on debt to eliminate debt?

Around 6k but it’s all at 0 apr for 19 months. So I’m only paying $600 a month and it will be zero at the end on 19 months

lol nice way to incriminate yourself. Go make some money behind the Wendy’s dumpster. Always room for more there

It would be nice if they paid their personal more. The amount of quick fixes to keep things running is mind boggling