Is that a heat map bodycon dress? What are these people wearing

Some people just need to mind their own business. 100% would do the same as him, too many kids to be chasing after if they start to get rambunctious and run away.

Do die, don't drive safely

I mean, he's doing it, and I doubt that's a million dollar paycheck..

Don't call me honkey

You wonderbread

What gigglefuck thought, "Yea, let's put the ramp right under these low hanging wire thingies."

Must be way below mid to request friends to downgrade that much and pamper her with expensive gifts.

Always been told on-site whenever we're doing something potentially dangerous, especially with heavy/overhead loads, that as soon as shit goes wrong, move as if your life depends on it.. because it does.

And they held onto it like they were gonna stop it from doing whatever the fuck it wanted.

Fuck, you're dumb.

How are you positive that he didn't take that picture?

Somebody a wittle bit cwanky?

Is that not how taking pictures and editing them works?

Aside from all the safety issues, holy shit the handling on that is impressive.

Lag? The whole end game screen changed.